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Everything posted by idff

  1. Thank you PinkElephant for pointing us to Popclip and EvernoteConnoisseur for highlighting the Timestamp extension. At last after nearly 3 years I can now add a date like 2023-03-29 easily (the only format I find useful because used at the start of your title you can order your notes by it, crucial for so many things I do). Still cross that we cannot do this using Cmd-Shift-D like we used to within Evernote, and have to pay for another application when it should be so simple for Evernote to restore/add this feature rather than all the new amazing features they keep on adding that I don't need!
  2. That's great news Sandeelynne3, thanks for posting. I feel slightly better that they are planning to address this, the sooner the better!
  3. That's a great idea 'Not my name' I've set it up and added 'Evernote' and 'Notes' as explained using System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Accessibility. It's working fine in 'Notes' but it will not work in 'Evernote' at all, which is frustrating. Any ideas anyone? Does anyone from Evernote actually read this? Surely it's best for them to add that option in Evernote, or at least acknowledge this thread?
  4. Sorry I've just found the new short cuts for Checkboxes and Dividers under Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Cheers, idff
  5. Come on Evernote this is a basic requirement, I wonder sometimes if you actually use the product yourself! I'm sure there are hundreds of users who rely on this particular shortcut, how difficult is it to give us an option to set the format. Stop spending so much time getting Evernote to look good and address these issues. It's now really slow too, and no shortcut for 'Checkboxes' or 'Dividers' why were these options removed? We all love Evernote and have done for years, please sort these out. idff
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