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Posts posted by geneakit

  1. 1 minute ago, DTLow said:

    Windows          C:/users/<youraccount>/appdata/roaming /evernote
    Mac                     /Users/<youraccount>/Library/Application Support/Evernote

    >I think the data may be in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote" and is no longer stored in a .exb file.


    Thanks for the confirmation.
    I think I'm close to uninstalling Evernote Legacy but will wait a little longer as there are probably features I use that are still not in Evernote 10 that I haven't yet realised are still missing.

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  2. Can anyone give a clear answer to the question of where the data for Evernote 10 is stored on my computer? Of course I want it available when I'm offline.

    I think it is probably in AppData somewhere.

    Evernote 10 seems to be installed in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe rather than in Program Files as earlier versions were.

    I think the data may be in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote" and is no longer stored in a .exb file.

    I guess we're reliant on the copy of our data stored by Evernote until/unless Evernote provides a sensible way to backup rather than export each notebook separately.
    I've only got about 50 notebooks but exporting each one regularly takes far too much time. Who has an hour a day or week to backup Evernote? Perhaps I should have less notebooks.  I'm just exporting one of my bigger notebooks and it's already more than 5 minutes.
    With the old Evernote you could save and replace the folder where the data was stored. I did that when changing computer to save downloading GB of data on a slow internet connection and occasionally at other times - doing it when offline in order to retrieve a note by the dreadful export and then import of a notebook. Now I have a faster connection, I guess it's not so much of a problem and I trust that Evernote has excellent backup but perhaps I need to make sure that I don't delete notes I may later need. It just makes me nervous not to have local backup.

  3. The objections to this request are bizarre. Being able to copy and paste text is important. That the OCR may not be 100% accurate is irrelevant. The text can be edited.
    I don't see the ability to extract OCR'd text as taking the place of the current search of text within images. Just an important addition.
    This is the only thing I use One Note to do and I shouldn't have to.

  4. I really don't understand why some people insist that a workaround using other apps is all that's needed or that it doesn't need to be done because they themselves don't have a need to extract the OCR'd text for further work. 
    It really isn't enough that Evernote can OCR notes in the background so that they show in a search. That's great but it doesn't enable you to copy and paste the text elsewhere.
    It's time the feature was introduced - and it can't be hard because it's being done in the background already in order for the notes to be searched.


  5. I just discovered that OneNote can extract text from an image and I just installed it for this purpose. I've used other things but this was quick, easy and accurate.

    So silly that Evernote can't since it does the OCR in the background so the text in images is searchable. That's great and I use it but sometimes you need the text or part of it without having to re-type it.

    I extracted the text from an 1875 newspaper article using OneNote. Only 2 errors though I wouldn't have said it was a really clear image. It's time Evernote caught up.

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