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Posts posted by JodyHeath.Com

  1. Same here. Unless using Legacy, I can no longer open a file straight into Aadobe (using Desktop V10+ and Online V10+). 

    The only workaround I found is to save to your hard disk first. The problem, you don't necessarily want to save every file you look at in EN to your computer. For now, I have a junk file on my hard disk for saving random files; then I open it straight into Adobe.


    10.10.5-win-winstore-public (83)
    Editor: v120.1.15587
    Service: v1.31.4

  2. Thanks for the mention Mike. Alt-ctrl-S Still not working for me (tried on EN 10.10.5  Web/Desktop & Legacy Desktop).

    • When I need to mark up screen shots, I'll stick with Snagit and them paste into EN. 
    • But if all I need is a screenshot with a time stamp, until I figure out the alt-ctrl-S glitch, the most elegant work-around, I guess is to just use the windows native snipping tool or it's latest big brother, the native windows screenshot addition called snip and sketch. Just found this nifty short-cut for ship and sketch (Windows Key + Shift + S) or it can be pinned to taskbar like the snipping tool.
    • I actually have Window's Snipping tool, Window's Snip and sketch, and Techsmith's Snagit, all pinned to the taskbar for different modalities. I see value in all my screen shot tech's.....  I'd just like a one click (or as few of clicks), screenshot (with the lower time stamped task bar) into a note which I think alt-ctrl-S would have checked that box.... I must have a conflict somewhere on my system.

    Ironically.... Just like me to spend hours to accomplish something (solve a puzzle) that, utility-wise, only saves me a few seconds here and there:)

  3. On 3/24/2021 at 3:49 AM, Mike P said:


    I don't really understand why alt-ctrl-S is not meeting your needs. Or click the elephant icon and then the capture screen icon.

    the problem with the "elephant icon" AKA web clipper is doesn't allow you to capture your "whole screen".  I.E., in at least Windows, you can't include the bottom taskbar which includes the computer generated date and time... especially helpful for validations of purchases and web payments.  And at the moment, the EN screen capture function isn't working. Sure, you can do this with 3 or 4 other ways, it is just not as seamless of a flow as it would be if done entirely from within EN.

  4. Currently, if I were to clip this Amazon page with the EN Web Clipper, it cuts off the top task bar (which includes valuable reference information such as the url/address bar). It also cuts off the bottom task bar (which includes important validation data such as the computer generated time stamp). The next image was done using the screenshot function of the EN Web Clipper.



    However, if I were to use other popular programs like TechSmith's "Snagit" or the Window's free "Snipping" tool, I could include everything showing on my screen as seen below. As you can see, below, both the top and bottom taskbar's showed up in the Snagit/Snipping tool screenshots.



    Why is this important?

    • By having the URL in the top taskbar, it adds validity and reference.
    • And by having that computer generated time stamp in the bottom task bar, it just adds even more validity and evidence when needed. For example:
      • I buy something on Amazon that states it has a lifetime warranty. I screenshot it at the time of purchase. A few months later, they change the add copy to show a 6 month warranty. I have a warranty claim after 6 months. Having that screenshot with the time stamp on the task bar, can really help provide the quick proof you need sometimes.
      • And other times, just for your own research usage, it's nice to have that timestamp contained within the screenshot.
      • Also, think about when you make credit card payments, and you're pushing it close to the deadline. If later on, you need to dispute if you paid on time, this will be invaluable.
      • This has numerous implications. Utilizing this time stamp has gotten me out of a jam on several occasions.

    While it's not that hard to use the other tools for screenshots (and then paste them into EN), it really unnecessarily breaks up the work flow and, therefore, it really deters my use of the Web Clipper tool due to this limitation. Please vote this one up, if it's important to you!



  5. My beautiful Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 was discontinued some time ago.



    The next generation is the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500.


    The iX1500 might have a few new features or improvements; but if you look at the reviews, not everyone likes it as much as they did the ix500. Personally, the iX500 does everything I need it to do. These scanners are not cheap to replace; and don't even get me started on how the iX500 (and its sexy blue light) looks so much better and more expensive looking than the iX1500, which could pass for a child's toy.

    Needless to say, I had no intentions of replacing my iX500 with it's ugly new descendant, the iX1500; therefore, since I 've had my iX500 for around 7 years, I thought I should start perusing craigslist for a gently used backup iX500.

    Then I saw this: support ending for the iX500 after January 31, 2024

    Specifically, the top of the page states, "The following table shows the ScanSnap discontinued scanners and their support end dates. After the support end dates, hardware repairs and software updates including driver updates are no longer provided".

    It really sucks that so many nice iX500 scanners could conceivably become a brick in the near future.

    I'm curious, of what this actually means and how long after 1/31/24 I might expect my scanner to become useless (or my scanner software to pose a security threat)?



    • Like 1
  6. Thanks PinkElephant; however, it looks like I'm using the latest version of ScanSnap (ScanSnap manager Version 6.5 L61) for my scanner.

    If anyone knows how to get the latest version of EN ( to work, correctly, with the ScanSnap application (ScanSnap manager Version 6.5 L61), please let me know.

    • It seems that EN has resolved some issues, i.e., it no longer creates a new notebook with each scan.
    • But it doesn't allow me to scan directly into the specific folder I'm clicked on in in EN; it only scans into my "default" EN folder.
    • And it hasn't brought back the functionality of "Import Folders" 

    Like many Evernote users, my ScanSnap/Evernote broke last year with the update to EN Version 10.xxxxx. If it worked at all, you could no longer scan to a specific notebook; and for every scan, it would create a new notebook. 

    Here is my workaround for now: 

    So for scanning purposes, I took the advice of the forums, and downloaded EN Legacy ( (309198) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954)) version last year (you don't need to uninstall the latest version of EN either). Since then, I've able to use my ScanSnap IX500 scanner along with the ScanSnap software (ScanSnap manager Version 6.5 L61) to scan directly into whichever notebook I am clicked on in Evernote.

    Side note: I've never been able to accomplish this in the web based version of EN but would be interested to know if anyone ever has.

    Just a reminder, for this to work, the ScanSnap application location needs to be properly defined in ScanSnap:


    Just to make sure we're all on the same page, for this to work, you have to go into your ScanSnap settings and define the location of the your respective EN app(s) by going to "Add or Remove", then clicking on "Change" or "Add", and then navigating to where your EN application program (.exe file) is located.

    Not that yours are necessarily exactly where mine are, but for a starting point, on my Windows 10 machine, Evernote apps are installed these folders: 

    EN Legacy (Desktop standalone Legacy):

    • C:\Users\"your username"\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote Legacy
    • Once in that folder, look a file called "Evernote" of the type "Application" or ".exe" and select it.

    My EN Version (the Windows/App Store Version): 

    • C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Evernote.Evernote_10.7.6.0_x86__.....\app
    • Likewise, once in that folder, look a file called "Evernote" of the type Application" or ".exe" and select it.

    After selecting the application location, I recommend you giving the app a unique name. I.E., I called my EN Legacy, "Evernote Legacy"; and I called my Windows Store App EN, "Evernote 10.7.6" or whichever version you linked to.


    **And last, for this to work:  you need to be in the actual application you have selected in the ScanSnap Application settings. In other words, to get the ScanSnap scanner to actually scan into the specific EN Notebook you are clicked into, you need to have the Legacy version selected in the ScanSnap application settings; and you also need open the the actual Legacy Version of EN and be left-clicked on the said Notebook you want the scan to go into.

    FYI: you can run the web based EN, the latest desktop or windows store EN 10.7.6 version, and the desktop EN legacy version, all simultaneously, side by side at the same time. And you will need to run at least 2 of them side by side, because, there will be certain formats and many cool new features which just won't work for the legacy version. The EN legacy version is, for most intensive purposes, a scanning hack; and also a hack to bring back "Import Folders" for the time being.

    Of note, for the last few years, every time EN came out with an update, the EN/ScanSnap linkage would break and I would have to go back into the ScanSnap settings and redefine the location of the new version of EV is located; otherwise, it would not scan into my EN period, let alone to a specific folder; therefore, there are pros and cons of the Windows Store version since it does auto update on its own.... and you may not be in a place where you want to chance an auto-update breaking your EN.

    Regardless, it's a good idea to save the file location, ironically, in an Evernote Note so you don't scratch your head every 3 to 6 months when you might have to repeat this auto-update cycle (surprising how much I can forget in a few months time).

    Feature request to Evernote: please work on a fix for this, so that every time EN updates, we don't have to redefine the application location for ScanSnap to scan to.

    Hope all this helps!



  7. On 10/26/2020 at 6:51 PM, weemaple said:

    I installed the Legacy version and didn't see any signs of v10 the way it seems other people are able to see both, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the Legacy version just to be sure.  I made sure to restart, and still no luck doing any of the following:

    -scanning to Evernote via ScanSnap Organizer

    -copying and pasting a PDF into an Evernote folder (via ctrl short-cuts or pulldown menu) 

    -establishing an import folder and copying PDFs into it.


    So I can't get any PDFs into Evernote now, even with Legacy.

    if you wanna do like a skype screen share, I can probably get you going again; I installed the legacy last year. It worked fine side by side the current edition. And scans went into whichever notebook I was clicked on at the time via scansnap to application.

  8. It would be ok if "automatic" synch also meant "instantaneous" sync but it doesn't; it could a few minutes or longer to reflect across devices or across shared notes. If you share a lot of Evernote notes--and want to your users to get them immediately, or if you just want to see how they render in the public link version--waiting and waiting for them to update on Evernote's time is killing my productivity. Yes we need the auto synch function. But we also and, non-negotiably, need to bring back the push-to-sync button.

    • Like 7
  9. I've experienced similar behaviors with Google services connected and disconnected. Coincidentally, prior to seeing this thread, I placed a support ticket yesterday related to this same issue and have a related forum thread going as well where I've pointed support to. Here's another reason this boxed Google link format is a bad thing: It breaks the text wrapping and the ability to resize columns in tables. The ability to resize columns has important implications in mobile environments and user experience.

    Note: the boxy appearance is only forced in my desktop version (I'm using Windows 10). The online/web version of EN is unaffected by this boxed forced appearance phenomenon; however, in the online/web version of EN, hyperlinks take on a lighter blue color and sometimes more characters are generated for the hyperlink than you intended.

    Of interest, while text wrapping and the boxy format appears (in variations) in both the desktop and web versions, if you share a note through a public link, the appearance is as you would normally expect it, except for some extra characters in the hyperlinks. Text wrapping in the shared link iteration remains unaffected.

  10. On further experimentation, if I create the table with a column large enough for the boxy google link, then I can still resize the columns. But once the column (containing the google link) has been sized down narrower than the google link's boxy outline, the table breaks and can no longer be resized period. Clarification, the behavior described here, only occurs in my Windows 10 desktop version of EN. The online/web version of EN is not plagued by this behavior. 

    One might wander: why not just keep the table columns wide enough to accommodate the google link's forced boxy appearance? Or why don't I just use the web/online version of EN? Here's why:

    1. I don't like the look of the boxy google link format. 
    2. if I make my table's too wide, then people have to scroll on smart phones. I make them narrow for a purpose, to keep things mobile compatible.
    3. This issue doesn't persist with the web based version of EN, only on the desktop EN version.
    4. I prefer to use the desktop version of EN when at my home office because, like most desktop versions of software, they are more robust and (or) more efficient at doing things.

  11. For me, this boxy format of the google links is only occurring in the desktop version of ever-note. It doesn't appear on the web based version of EN. Not good, because I prefer to use the desktop version since it is more efficient.  And yes, it doesn't matter if you've connected EN to your google drive or not. The boxy link format persist regardless. I just want to be able to create a simple hyperlink again.  It's also breaking my tables, if the table is resized down (like for mobile) it can't be re-sized back up again. 

  12. Looks like my memory is not as good as it used to be. So turns out, I rebooted my computer, and all the fonts went back to their usual sizes in the Desktop EN version. As stated before, the web based EN fonts were never affected. So that was one issue, the fonts in the desktop version. It's some kind of glitch with the desk top version that is fixed, as many computer hiccups, with a simple reboot. The whole fonts thing didn't send me on this tangent. I care about them; but the real issues is my tables are getting broken and can't be edited in the desktop version of EN.

    And upon re-examining the affected note with the table (sorry, I mis-spoke before): not all of my notes with tables were affected in the desktop version. Only the notes with links to Google Sheets (or possibly even any google doc, but I haven't tested that far out). I tried other links, and as far as I can tell, it's just an issue with the google links. 

  13. Thanks for the mention. Making edits on non Window devices? None that I recall. I've experienced some weird happenings, as well, after editing highly formatted notes on smartphone; therefore, I've tried to limited those highly formatted note's edits to the desktop version.

    Thanks again.

  14. Updated 7/31 @ 10:24 AM PDT: Out of respect for everyone's time, you might want to skip down to the last video I posted, which really get's to the heart of the matter.

    About 1.5 to 2 months ago, I noticed my EN tables, from a few notes, were not illustrating correctly in the Windows Desktop Version; all the text was too big and blown out (in spite of zooming out as far as possible using "control" & "-"). Tables look fine in the web based version of EN and on the IOS version on my iPhone 10. And the tables are displaying fine in Chrome and Safari. So the issue seems isolated to the Desktop version. 

    OS: Windows 10 (Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362)

    App: Windows/Microsoft store version of the app (not the standalone app): (309091) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954)

    Any suggestions for a fix, or if anyone can confirm the issue reproducible on their desktop machine, it would be greatly appreciated.




  15. Hi, I'm using Evernote for Windows 10 (the windows App version: (308859) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954). This is the version you get from the Microsoft Store. 

    The search terms are not being highlighted. I've started/restarted the program. I've rebooted. 

    I saw some old threads from 2018 and prior years but there was no resolution. 

    The majority of my notes are uploaded as PDF's.

    Any ideas?

  16. It's fairly commonly known that you can just highlight the line of text and drag it around.... albeit, it's a bit clunky.  But, today, I discovered a little game changer. Now it's not as elegant as shift + alt + arrow (up or down), but it'll certainly do for now. For a list with a number, bullet, or checkbox at the beginning of each line--if you hover over the number, bullet, or checkbox--you will see a little hand appear. Once the hand appears, you can left click, and easily drag the item (or line) up or down the list.

  17. It's not as elegant as alt + shift + arrow (up or down), but here is the workaround I just discovered. For any list that is numbered, bulleted, or has a checkbox at the beginning of each line--if you hover over the number number or checkbox--you will see a little hand appear. Once the hand appears, you can left click, and easily drag the item (or line) up or down the list.

    • Thanks 2
  18. This thread was started in Dec 2014. I chimbed in for the first time in April of 2015. Based on the response so far, I would have to say evernote really doesn't care about this. Sounds like evernote needs a competitor to move in and make them at-least pretend to care a little more.

  19. Hi Nancy (nanphan),  in terms of "If folks have any consistent ways to repro this, please flag it with us"........I'm not sure exactly what you were asking in terms of details........but the issue occurs every time I scan something.  I am willing to print/copy an error/operation log if you direct me where to copy the information from.  Thanks

  20. I had a little hunch last night and it seemed to work so far.   All I did was click on  "Tools", then "Import Folders", highlighted (the correct folder by the way), then clicked "remove", and OK.  Then I re-added the same exact folder back in with the same exact settings "Subfolders = no" and "Source = keep".  So far, I'm no longer getting duplicates...............one-up for the subconcious!


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