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Everything posted by Ed986532

  1. Evernote has so many different tools and capabilities, it's so fancy and complicated and advanced - - except it can't do the one thing I need it to do -- work! I had assumed that Evernote would finally finally finally get serious about fixing their buggy application - - instead of spending all their time and money trying to get us to use it in different ways. But this most recent update did nothing to solve the continuous crashing. So at this point I'm no longer interested in spending hours and hours and hours of my time attempting to make this delicate application work. Life's too short. Anyone have any ideas for alternatives to this buggy application and badly managed company?
  2. When I right-click on a word or phrase within a Note, there is no option to search for the word or phrase in the web. I don't use this frequently so I'm not sure when the capability went away but it used to be there. This is obviously an essential feature so I assume it's a bug of some kind. This is true whether I use app for PC or Android. Btw, is it really necessary to hide the option to ask a question on this forum? Users may need help to find the place to ask a question in order to get help!
  3. Okay, that's it, I'm done. All I need is a nice note-taking app but you guys refuse to stop making your product more and more complicated, and with FEWER user options to reduce that complexity. Now, in addition to all that, you've made it impossible (at least for me) to contact Evernote. Worse, whenever I follow the instructions on one of your three or four different websites related to help, and I "log in" to get help or click "contact us", it takes me back to the same screens over and over again. ARE YOU ATTEMPTING TO GET RID OF ME AS A CUSTOMER? BECAUSE IT SURE SEEMS THAT WAY TO ME! The reason I was looking for help is to find the most recent place where you've hid "preferences" or "user settings" (and I don't mean the massively simplified preferences that allow you to change only two minor things). This is a game we all play: you revamp your entire UI and turn on all the new options that none of us want and then we get to hunt for the secret place you've hidden the option to turn all the useless ***** off. My particular irritation is that I've noticed you have inserted an URL address at the top of ALL OF MY NOTES which is apparently what your bots think is relevant web info to the content of my note. This is a good reminder of how your reading (and storing and analyzing) all my notes. PLEASE STOP, JUST STOP, DON'T TOUCH OR ADD OR CHANGE OR HIGHLIGHT OR CONNECT ANY OF MY NOTES AND FOR CHRISTSAKES TELL ME HOW TO STOP YOU FROM DOING IT. Anyone have good suggestions for an Evernote replacement supported by a company that isn't actively hostile to its users?
  4. The icon on the lower left that is supposed to expand the sidebar doesn't work. When you click on it, nothing happens. It is also not possible to drag open the sidebar. Once again, thank you for making your product worse!
  5. Me too! Save the sync button. It absolutely does not work flawlessly otherwise when actively using desktop and mobile. Thank you for making your product worse.
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