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Everything posted by davidmc41

  1. I have found it useful to insert words with an underscore suffix that I have called 'keys' as a means of quickly finding notes of interest while at the same time reducing the number of tags. For example, when i create a note for a contact and the note represents the main contact information (for, say, Dr. Ralph Smith) I enter the last name as "Smith__". Should I have a note that includes a result from an office visit with Dr. Smith, I enter his name as "Smith_" with a single underscore. That makes it very simple to locate contacts for individuals or organizations. I do a lot of research on topics of interest and find that entering "key" names for topics, again to keep tags from becoming too numerous and thus unwieldy. My scheme works fairly well, but could be enhanced if Evernote provided some support for it. I think there are others who use 'keys' in a similar fashion, as would others, if they had the insight to do so. It would help if Evernote could support "keys", that is, treat any word that ends in one or more underscore character as a "key" and provide added support for "keys." I'll use an example to describe the support I have in mind. Let the typing of an underscore character signal that a key is being entered without actually entering the underscore at the beginning of the word (but suffixing it at the end of the word (end of a word determined by the space character). Then as a (key) word is typed allow a drop down list to display existing "keys" whereupon clicking any one would cause it to be entered, with the capability of any newly typed key would be added to the list. So typing _ would cause the next character to be viewed as beginning the name of a key, for example, "a" which would cause all keys beginning with "a" to be displayed. If the second character typed is "b" then the list would show all keys beginning with "ab" and so on. Any time a character is typed not corresponding to an existing key, then the new "key" would be recognized and added to the "key" drop-down list when the space bar is pressed indicating the end of the "key" word (or when an underscore suffix is typed). The implementation could automatically apply the underscore character, but I think it would be better to manually type the underscore and let the space indicate the end of the "key" word. This would permit the underscore character to be used within the "key" as may be preferred by the user. My Evernote file has about 4,000 notes and well over 200 tags, but using "keys" has help me enormously in focusing my searching to fewer notes to browse through in looking for the desired information. Having the number of notes to which a "key" has been applied (as for tags) would be very useful as well. I hope you'll give this suggestion serious consideration. Thanks, David McConnell (davidmc41@gmail.com)
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