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  1. I have now read through several threads on this topic. I am having the same issue on Safari Version 11.0 (12604., and Webclipper 6.12.4 I have tried all the proposed solutions: - Enabling all cookies (really? this is a thing? in 2017?) - Uninstalling, Clearing history, forcing quit, rebooting, re-installing - Uninstalling, clearing Safari history, forcing quite, going into Library/Safari/Localfiles and clearing it all out, re-installing - Logging into Evernote web version - Shouting very loudly at the screen Nothing has fixed the unable to log in to Evernote on Safari problem (the "dot" is still on the extension icon, and I get the open tab, login, logout cycle when I try to use it) The only solution appears to be either (a) Use a different product, (b) Use Chrome I am an Evernote premium customer - have been for 4+ years - but am now seriously reconsidering. This is ridiculous.
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