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About jfroco

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  1. Yes, it suspiciously came up a couple of weeks after my original post... never compose a song with your window open Anyway, it was good to inspire someone else. I don't really like the implementation but it seems bad to have two web apps that do almost the same.
  2. Hello Evernote community, I love Evernote, but a feature I miss a lot is to show to-do notes in a graphical view. My personal preference is a personal kanban board. As I'm a developer, I made this proof of concept: it's a web app that extracts notes that belong to the "Kanban" notebook and depending on the tag (backlog, this_week, today, done) it distributes the notes across a kanban board.. This is what I have today: Reading notes from my Evernote account Parsing notes to get a brief description, note color, owner and reminder. Do you think it is worth? Would you use it? I'm planning to release a v1.0 with a simple web interface where you can select the notebook, and the columns (tags) to display. Everytime you visit your page the board is redendered from your Evernote account. Best regards JF
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