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Posts posted by pkillur

  1. Hello all, I've been a long time user of Evernote (like 6-7 year) but recently my premium expired and I'm debating whether or not I renew it.  For years, I'd use a moleskine size notebook or livescribe which I'd either photograph or sync into evernote.  I recently upgraded to an ipad pro with a stylus.  Here is my problem:


    I work with customers A LOT and it requires both whiteboarding and note taking, but a large amount of pauses and follow up questions.  Which would be fine, BUT my organization mandates my devices have a lock screen time of 5 minutes or less.  So, what typically would happen (and I never realized it for like 6 months) is that I'd make a note with the apple pen into the evernote iOS app, talk with a customer, go back and it'd be gone when I opened up the app.  I just assumed it was cached or saved somewhere - stupid me - I never checked. 


    I'd be happy to pay for evernote premium again but this one is a deal killer for me if it doesn't save the notes.  Does anyone know if this is something the latest apps do?  I have tested and I don't think it does, but like I said I'm no longer on premium.  FWIW - apple notes and other apps seem to do this, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with the ipad/ios portion of the system.


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