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Peter J. Grant

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Everything posted by Peter J. Grant

  1. Six months and not even a peep out of Evernote on this. Sill using Legacy to sort by tags but seriously looking around now. Way to go Evernote, ditching your existing sort methods and customers to offer shiny new bells and whistles. "PLEASE....restore sort by tag. Been a premium user since early days. I literally have my whole life in thousands of notes sorted by tag! Don't replace it and I'm done with Evernote. How do I know you won't drop my next sort method in your next "update"?"
  2. Nicola, Thanks for that tip! It worked...grateful (now hoping EN can address all the other "bugs").
  3. Same problem. Cannot save ANY new notes of ANY type using Evernote 10.4 on Android. Evernote, at this point, is becoming unusable for me. How could a good product that's been good for so long (I've been using almost 14 years) go so bad in such a short time?
  4. PLEASE....restore sort by tag. Been a premium user since early days. I literally have my whole life in thousands of notes sorted by tag! Don't replace it and I'm done with Evernote. How do I know you won't drop my next sort method in your next "update"?
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