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Posts posted by Bucho

  1. In the new version of Evernote, when I save a document then I want to drag it to e-mail or some other application it will not save as a PDF. For example under the old Evernote if I saved a file I could drag it to an e-mail and it would save as a PDF, the new version does not let you drag the PDF, you have to download it to the computer then go and search for it then drag it to wherever you want it to go, way to much work. When is this going to be fixed.


    Thanks Ken


  2. 37 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    I am on ScanSnapHome since quite a while, now under Catalina.

    USB is working, WiFi is working (I had some trouble with it, and you use an USB connection to set it up again), Cloud is working.

    The app itself seems to be on the lean side regarding functions, but these are available when you setup profiles. So I created some profiles like EN-simplex, EN-duplex (both with OCR), HighRes etc. When scanning, I choose the appropriate profile, and there we go.

    To use the SW, one has to convert the EN edition scanner to a normal ix500 by firmware update. It makes it work as any other ix500 (like mine, which was a standard one from the beginning), but it can’t be reverted. 

    In general for a normal User the ScanSnapHome-solution IMHO should do the job. And for those who need more, the scanner should work with another software solution specially able to serve advanced scanning tasks. But these do not come for free when buying the scanner.

    I have the evernote scanner that I purchased around 8 years ago from evernote. When I updated my Mac to Catalina I could not scan. I uninstalled the old Scan snap and installed the Scan

    snap home and followed the directions but in the end an error message came up with something about not reading the firmware on the scanner. Not sure what to do next.

    Also If I buy another new scanner from evernote will the new one be comparable to the updated  Catalina  on my Mac.


    Thanks Ken

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