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Posts posted by KevinRC5

  1. +1 For letting allowing us to change the thumbnail.


    Second issue, has the algorithm changed ? I was scrapping some webpages and I always get a thumbnail of the "unknown" face of the avatars instead of pictures from the article. I'm using the beta clipper for Firefox. Here is an example site where this happends: http://www.mash4077tv.com/2014/12/08/episode-spotlight-mail-call-again/


    I even tried removing all avatar images from the note but the thumbnail remains.

    Just one more reason why a manual override selection should be possible.

  2. I'm adding my two cents to this one, too.  I would LOVE to be able to choose the thumbnail.  As it stands, Evernote almost never chooses the thumbnail I would choose.  Which means the thumbnails are a DISTRACTION to finding the note I want, not a HELP.


    If I could choose the thumbnail, when needed, it would be a HUGE HELP.


    This exactly is what kept me from committing to Evernote as a premium subscriber.  The thumbnail selection is a distraction that can make it HARDER --not easier-- to find what I want.


    This particular discussion has been going on for 3 years, so how has it not been a priority to come up with a way to override the automatic thumbnail selection with manual choice of thumbnail image that would actually let us associate images that we know will work for us with our notes?  Overall, Evernote is a great application, so I can't imagine incompetence is the reason... so I can only guess that its a continued, willful choice to force the built in algorithm to choose for us.


    VERY amateurish effort in that regard, guys.  Please try to fix this. 

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