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Everything posted by Sandro

  1. Well, it is possible to script the opening of a specific note and some other things regarding the data itself. But that is where the potential seems to end. You seem to be right in the windows only exposing OS level info and no note info Case closed Thanks
  2. Thanks guys... That is where I started the research today: With the idea of an Apple Script (on a Mac) to save and restore Window positions, but then it turned out, that the window object doesn't seem to contain any information about the note it represents other than the title of the window. I think Stay can work with the titles at least (https://cordlessdog.com/stay/documentation/window-title-pattern-matching/), but still it doesn't seem to be close enough to what I'd like Regards, Sandro
  3. I have a 4K monitor, thus a lot of screen real estate. I have also topics, that I research on, that have a lot of notes associated with them. When working on a certain topic, I'd like to have certain notes open in certain positions. To have an overview, to drag and drop from one note to another. To avoid switching notes and navigating all the time. Using Evernote Legacy as well, for the lost feature of opening notes in a different window/tab. I am hesitating to start work, when thinking about manually opening and arranging or navigating those notes... How do you guys handle something like this? Any scripts or apps you can share?
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