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Posts posted by WolfChild

  1. 2 hours ago, DTLow said:

    This is true; tag hierarchy has not been implemented in IOS

    And if Notebook hierarchy is implemented, likely the same; it will be a Win/Mac feature

    I think so too, from Day 1; although Evernote did implement Notebook Stacks

    If your workflow requires nested notebooks; you're looking at the wrong product


    It's unfortunate because there really isn't a product that is as integrated as Evernote. At least none that I have found that serve my needs. I just deal with the limited notebook structure for lack of a better option. I really do love everything about Evernote, there are just a few things I personally would tweak. For the most part they have updated or added all the features I've had issues with or wanted in their own time. 

  2. 22 hours ago, jefito said:

    And yet you use adjectives, which are entirely similar. Tags are designed to be like keywords: to describe the content of some larger document. They're really quite simple in that respect. But the bonus is that you can use Evernote's tags for organization as well. I don't see the problem.

    How are they too cumbersome? I clip or add some content, select one or more tags and put it into one of a small number of notebooks. Easy. To find it, I don't aim to search to narrow to exactly one note; narrowing it down to <10 will do, using a combination of tags and text, which is not complex. I do the same thing with web searches.

    ?? If I apply a tag to a note, I can go straight to that tag and I know that the note will always be there.

    Sure, strict hierarchical systems (which nested notebooks would be) are straightforward but they're not as flexible as tagging systems, since items may validly belong to more than one hierarchy. Tags can handle that situation nicely in a way that hierarchies can't. 

    For people who really want to build hierarchical structures, you can do that with Evernote's tags too. I don.t but many people do.



    I understand how to use tags and the tagging system. I find the way you have picked apart my post about my personal opinions to be insulting. This is the way I work or like to organize things. You do things one way and that's fine, I don't do things your way. That's all I'm saying. Everyone does things differently, just because you don't see a problem doesn't mean there isn't one. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, DTLow said:

    Like this example for Insurance Documents

    Tag: Insurance


    Folder: House/Insurance + Boat/insurance + Car/Insurance
                 Or is that Insurance/House ....  (complex syntaxes?)

    By Complex search syntax, I'm referring to the search function. For example, if you want to find a note but you only want to search the title or you have other specific parameters, you need to use the various search function syntax such as "intittle:" before the name of the note. It can get complicated to try to search for one note. I am not referring to tags as complex search syntax. 

    Again, different strokes. To each their own. And everyone is different. 

  4. Yes, you can't please all the people all the time, that's true. However, just one extra level would add a great deal of extra flexibility for a large number of people. I see so many people asking for this feature. It doesn't make sense as a company for them not to want to implement it. However, we'll never know if this is something EN is working on until we get it or don't.

    I for one would just like to see "Dividers" or "Sections" (sub-notebooks), that would only add one extra layer but it would make my life so much more organized. That would make the hierarchy as such: Stacks>Notebooks>Divider or Section>Notes. This would be in line with the whole notebook analogy that Evernote has created. Notebooks often come in multiple subjects with dividers in them for different topics within the same notebook. I think added this sub-notebook level makes perfect sense. 

    Tags don't seem to work for my brain. I use them, but in the traditional way they were originally designed for, as a way to add to the organization of things. Not as the main focus for organization. For me and the way I think, Tags are too cumbersome to organize and access. Searching and then narrowing said search by tag feels like way too much work or remembering search complex syntaxes just to find one note. If I put certain things in a designated folder, I can just go straight to that folder and know it'll always be in there. It's very straight forward type organization. Again to each their own but if there are enough people that want a feature and it is withing their power to add that feature, why not add it. 

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  5. Agree! I would also like to see a sub-notebook feature! Tags are great but they are cumbersome to get to because they are in a completely different section than the notebooks. So a lot of scrolling or moving around the screen has to happen to find the tags, especially in the android app. Notebooks in the real world often have "dividers". So if we're going with that analogy, EN should have Stacks>notbooks>dividers>notes that would make keeping all the information organized so much easier. I've tried other way to "work around" this issues, such as creating custom searches. This allowed me to show notes from a particular notebook with a particular tag, however, the searches show up at the very bottom of the side menu. So that leads to a lot of scrolling to find what I needed. Then on the app, those same searches are in a different place. The same with shortcuts, on windows it's at the top, on android It's at the bottom. A lot of people are accustom to this type of file folder system. Tagging is just too cumbersome to use as a "folder" system. 

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  6. Thank you! I found it! It's not in the "view" drop down menu it's in the "right click" menu. If right-click the notebook there is an option to "remember view settings". 

    Awesome!! Finally! Why doesn't Evernote release this information when it gets updated? Or do they? I'm subscribed to their email list and get emails about things that are not important to me but not functional usage things like this!

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  7. 7 minutes ago, DTLow said:

    I was under the impression different sorts had already been implemented in the Windows platform
    I'm patiently waiting for this to make it to the other platforms
    In the meantime, I implemented my own solution on my Mac using Applescript (documented here)

    Nope. If I sort a notebook's notes by recently created date and I go into a different notebook it's sorted the same. If I then sort that by tittle and go back into the previous notebook it's all sorted by tittle too. I use the windows desktop platform. I can't speak on any other format. 

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