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Posts posted by RWolfe

  1. If you spend any time on this forum, you'll see that the silence you've noticed is the norm. Issues reported on here don't normally get fixed, that's why the threads are sometimes years old. This one is pretty young, to be honest. Add to that PinkElephant's highly confusing comment from May that EN is not designed to handle syncing conflicts. To me that means it's not designed to sync at all, so who knows?

  2. I experience this as well, but not in a consistent manner. After pasting, sometimes my cursor will be at the top, sometimes just a few lines up from the end of my paste. If I paste and hit Enter to see where my cursor actually is, sometimes I get a new line at the end of my pasted content, sometimes it's a few lines up, sometimes it's at the very top of the note. This is all when pasting plain text, as I don't dare paste anything with any formatting into Evernote. If I do, I'll have to manually fix the formatting because Undo still doesn't work. This happens on the desktop version (6.06) on Win7 and Win10.

    Downloading 6.1 now...

    Update: on first use, it appears to have been fixed, but I'll give it a few days. Now I have to go remove the add-ons that it didn't ask me to install every time I update (Outlook, IE).

    Update: now it's even weirder (current version Now when I paste, the cursor is a few lines below where I pasted. If I hit Enter once, nothing at all  happens. If I hit Enter twice, a line break gets added several lines below my paste. This happens when pasting from another or the same note in Evernote, as well as from outside Evernote.


  3. I need it disabled in IE as well, for similar security concerns, yet I want it available in Chrome. There were no options for that during the install, just assumptions that I would want it everywhere.


    I disabled two different add-ons in IE and restarted it. What do you know? It's still there. Well, all of the right-click options are still there, though IE throws up multiple security warnings if I try to clip something as a test. Not quite was most people consider "disabled", I don't think.

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