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Everything posted by Keverson

  1. I use Google Keep for checklists because many times I want to prioritize my lists. Google Keep allows me to slide a box up or down depending on how important it is. I have a company and with every customer I speak to, I put them on a list and prioritize them based on various qualifications. Sometimes I'll move the customer up or down if they are more responsive to my requests. Customers that don't respond, get deprioritized. Grocery lists, as you can see in my attachment, can even be subcategorized by where I'm shopping such as either grocery or hardware store. As you can see from the attachment, inside of the note there is a slider button. If I hold that down, it allows me to move it up and down; whether its in an unindented list or an indented list. It would also be useful to allow us to easily color coordinate things as well Unfortunately, with Google Keep, it's very sensitive and notes can be deleted unintentionally without you even knowing it on their phone app. There are unlimited applications where this feature would be useful. With your checkbox option, I have to cut and paste and format where i need to plug in the next box. Too time consuming for me to use you 100% of the time. So I currently use Google Keep for many things that I could just use you for. I'm a problem solver and an inventor. Reach out to me and I'll help your application blast off. Let's start with this no-brainer first. Businesses, and even in our personal lives, we need efficiency and quick solutions. We have to adapt quickly or we'll die. Hence why our planet is dying. We need to make changes quickly. Come on guys.
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