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Posts posted by Koandco

  1. OK, after resisting YEARS to not update, I see I'm being forced. 

    Thanks to someone pointing it out here, I was able to reinstall the old legacy by dragging it out of the trash. 

    Because in the update process, I lost my entire note in the Evernote helper. YIKES. I had loads of important stuff. So I copied it in another note. 

    Unfortunately, the helper disappeared with the new "Legacy" version. So I've decided to make do with the updated version, which seems, to me, like the new version. 

    This said, I find it super IDIOTIC that the helper has a maximum length of 10 000 characters. Why? why, why, WHY????

    • Like 1
  2. So it's lame, even Support admits it's a "known limitation". Limitation??? Huge flaw, bug, break...Huge!!! The hugest issue in my opinion. If the search doesn't work in a note software, might as well not have that software. 

    Here's the response:

    Hello Katherine,

    Thank you for contacting Evernote Customer Support. I'm Camila, and I'll be assisting you today.

    I'm sorry to hear that the note you just added is cannot be searched on Evernote for Mac. I understand that you want your changes to be reflected immediately in your search results.

    Thanks for reporting this issue to us. Please know that this is one of the known limitation that we are currently working on, and hope to be resolved soon.

    We appreciate your extended patience as we work on improving the new Evernote app.

    If you have any other concern or inquiry, don't hesitate to contact us again.

    Best regards,

    Camila S.
    Customer Support Representative

  3. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but I can't find a note I've just added. I see it in all my notes but if I search for it with keywords of the title, nothing. If I search by tags, nothing. But I KNOW IT'S THERE. The whole idea of Evernote for me is its search engine, both in all notes AND inside the note. 

    It's ridiculous. I've titled my note KO invoice template. I've tagged it with these 3 words. I search with all 3 words = nothing, with each word = nothing, by tags = nothing. And yet, it exists, it's there. It's happened with many many notes. What's the point of this software now???????????

    I wonder if I need to re-index all my notes? 

    At this point, Note on Mac is much better but because I have over 4K of notes, Apple woN,t let me put it on cloud wihtout charging me extra. That's the only reason I'm not saying adieu to this bad bad bad new version.

    Legacy version was frankly better. What has happened with this latest update?

  4. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but I can't find a note I've just added. I see it in all my notes but if I search for it with keywords of the title, nothing. If I search by tags, nothing. But I KNOW IT'S THERE. The whole idea of Evernote for me is its search engine, both in all notes and inside the note. 

    It's ridiculous. I've named my note KO invoice template. I've tagged it with these 3 words. I search with all 3 words = nothing, with each word, nothing, by tags, nothing. I wonder if I don't need to re-index all my notes? 

    At this point, Note on Mac is better. Legacy version is frankly better. What has happened with this latest update?

  5. Indeed. I was a power user. Couldn't live without Evernote. Now that Notes in Mac, on both desktop and app, is super more elaborated and has great search, and is free, I prefer to go with that now. Instead of paying 150 CAD$. 

    I'll wait to make sure I can do the same thing with all my notes and then make the move. I totally respect this app, it's just time to move on, especially with this new version that caters to different needs. 

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    Thank you PE. I've just chatted with Evernote support. He said they're working on adding that feature to the new Evernote. The only way to export all notes is with the Legacy version, which I've downloaded. 

    I also asked him if he was aware how disgruntled people are with the new version, and referred him to this post: I'm sure they are aware by now. 

    In any case, thank you everyone for all your help. 

    I'm not sure I'll be participating much longer. 




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