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Posts posted by noox

  1. Please read my post. I do NOT want to add an attachment to an Evernote note. The message appears when I move a file to drag and drop somewhere else over an evernote post. I did not release the mouse button on the Evernote window.

    I use three monitors and I often have windows not in full size mode so it happens now and then that an evernote window is in the background or in between two other windows I want to move files from and to.

  2. When I drag bigger files (e.g. videos) from one File Explorer Windows to another and there is an Evernote window in the background or in between, an Evernote popup window appears that I'm not allowed to add such big attachments to a note.

    Note: I do NOT want to add these files to the note. I just want to drag them somewhere else but it happened that I moved over the Evernote window with a visible note in the background.

    I'm on a basic account* so it says the limit is 25 MB for attachments. It says I should upgrade to a plan with 200 MB attachmets for notes. I don't know if something similar happens with paid accounts. But bigger files can easily exceed also 200 MB.


    *) I would consider a payed plan to use it on more devices. But I still miss some features like shortcut customization (don't need the global ones); editor became better over time, but still some struggles; easy way to select notebook of current note to add new note there.

    2020-07-12 10_37_59-Evernote.png

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  3. Still no option?


    When I scroll in Ultraedit, it scrolls 3 lines at once. In the Source View of Mails in Thunderbird its 6.


    But in Evernote its 12 or 13 lines! I just had copied a lot of similar looking text with some empty lines in between into Evernote. When I scroll i get completely lost, where I am. 12 is absolutely not usefull.


    It's really annoying that Evernote has so many features but lacks in some fundamental ones (e.g. text editing) or this here.

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