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Posts posted by Drmpl

  1. Couldn’t agree more-have been a 10 year user and relied very heavily upon reminders to keep both my work and personal life organized. Seems like reminders tab is still present on desktop version of Evernote but if it’s gone from iOS forever then I’m going to have to be gone as a user…seems truly remarkable and very disappointing that this crucial feature would suddenly disappear

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  2. On 5/14/2024 at 4:48 PM, Catrina said:

    I realize this post is for iOS mobile, but I have also lost the REMINDERS function on my ANDROID mobile version 10.87.0  as of the latest update done Monday.  I have just also posted to RANDALL V's post "Reminders Suddenly Missing", but hoping someone following this post will have further info or hopefully a working solution for this issue.

    As a now-retired paralegal, I've used Evernote since 2013 and over these many years use, it now runs about everything in my life and I've built up many notes/notebooks.  The REMINDERS function is the very backbone of the system.  Without it, Evernote has become (for me) essentially useless.  It would be impossible to keep on top of items which need attention today and in the future -- including those items which were originally scheduled for yesterday (or even before then) that time did not permit me to get to in a timely fashion.  Without the ability to set a REMINDER for an issue which may occur in the future (whether tomorrow or 6 months from now), I might as well place sticky-notes all over my monitor/bathroom mirror/refrigerator and carry a pencil & paper around with me.  

    Does ANYONE know whether this is simply a broken update (which may be fixed in the near future) or a feature that has been removed?

    Is there a workaround available?  (I've restarted my phone, but to no avail).

    Thanks for any help.


  3. On 11/2/2020 at 5:36 PM, Jaya Shekarraju said:

    @Shakespeare212We are working on adding the tags functionality to clipping, and you should see this in the coming releases. 

    Agree it’s both surprising and disappointing that you would release a new version without the ability to add tags when clipping-this represents a major loss of functionality and means that a separate tagging effort has to be made. Do you ask your customers what their needs are before rushing out a new product?!

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