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Posts posted by AndyMarden

  1. I cannot understand why they would remove a key piece of functionality. It's a real pain to keep an app on Android at the old version. I have reinstalled the previous version until the widget is fixed. I can only hope that the new app architecture means that the weather will become back soon and will be running as a distaste service (maybe even a separate app) Betsy decoupled via an API which meant this is the last time this will happen. Hey, why not open up the api and get the community developing integrating and widgets of their own?

    At least some indication of the timelessness of the "not yet" supported would be nice. Please - if you are reading this Evernote... You want your loyal community on your side in this don't you? 


    I think that it's great that the whole so and architecture has been rewritten from the ground up - something that many orgs to not take the opportunity to evolve their products and which can be a key enable for future work. But you need to be more transparent about it and bring your community with you...

  2. I think I have it - DTLow you pointed me in the right direction. The "Copy Note Link" does not allow public access, but under More Sharing, Android does not have "Copy Public Link" but has "Post a Link" which then gives "Copy URL". That then is a public link.

    So 10/10 for functionality still being there there but 0/10 for clarity of menu options and 0/10 for consistency between platforms. Who  would have thought that "Copy URL"  and "Copy Note Link" would do different things?!

    Thanks again for pointing mebin that direction.


  3. This is quite ludicrous. The response "the world is moving this way" may be right, but to remove a remove without notice  and dispute everyone's use of the product is exactly why I don't touch Apple.

    I did try , once before to get my family to get Evernote accounts, and then had real trouble with concurrent updates of a note. So they don't want to do that any more. It is a barrier to use to require everyone I want to share a note with to get an Evernote account.

    I want to use Evernote to record everything I want and then, share it with people in whatever way I see fit. The security of a public note is something I can determine.


    Please put this feature back in or I will move to another solution.


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