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Posts posted by Mays

  1. On 6/16/2021 at 1:33 PM, MJPMOTW said:

    There is a big difference between the legacy app, the windows store app and the installable, executable windows app.

    Do not install the Microsoft store app. Download the executable from the Evernote site and all works as expected.

    Exactly, if you use the version downloaded directly from Evernote then you will not have this problem.  Even though Evernote says they are the exact same application, this is not true.  It seems the Evernote experts could have reproduced this, it took me 3 minutes.

  2. 50 minutes ago, May Allen said:

    Hi everyone. Thanks for your feedback on this feature. We've released a setting to zoom the note body font size, so that you can adjust the font to fit your preferences. Just go to Evernote > Settings > Notes > Editor. Then slide to adjust the note body size. You can access this feature today in our beta build in the Play Store. Let us know what you think, we'll be making minor improvements to this feature in the future.

    What about iOS?  This has been an accessibility issue since the beginning of Evernote.  Other apps can change font size, like OneNote, and iOS gives developers the tools to use Dynamic Type.  

  3. On 2/7/2016 at 3:13 PM, Matt W. said:

    Hello all,

    Thank you for the feedback on this and I will be brining this up in our next meeting and will let you guys know if I hear something.

    We have been waiting for over 5 years for this and still nothing.  iOS has the dynamic text option and so many apps take advantage of this.  There are visually impaired users of your product, including those of us who pay for the premium service, we should be able to use the service as easily as normal sighted people but we cannot.  Why is Evenote unwilling to to make this simple change and give all users the ability to use the app more easily.  It's just text, why can't we have universal text formatting.  There are now so many alternatives that have the option for larger text.  

    I just want to know why Evernote doesn't care about this.  I have tweeted Evernote support and they just say to post in the forums.  Well I have posted in every forum related to this topic which is many, going back to 2011.  Now i want to see what this company is willing to do about it.

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