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Posts posted by nko321

  1. I've been waiting for *something* to be done about this for longer than I can remember. I demo'ed Evernote for my department and they shot it down because this missing feature makes Evernote not fit for us. If the 15 of us ever started using it, it could have spread throughout our 2000 person company.


    I'm honestly a little offended by the official response from Evernote people. Round-trip to Skitch is even more time consuming than editing in an external program and resizing skinny text (like, say, on a whiteboard or screen shot) to even 95% of its original size makes it illegible. Rather than point out non-solutions, I'd prefer to hear that either Evernote doesn't want to fix this problem because of some given reason, or that they're working on it.


    As-is, inserting images is klunky. The auto-resize does NOT help. If I take an 8MP photo and add it to a note, that note scrolls like a 1992 web page on Prodigy. The tone of the responses so far from Evernote is a little embarassing.

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