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The Pawnbroker

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Posts posted by The Pawnbroker

  1. I’ll also upgraded my subscription to Professional when I read that feature in the description. After seeing how useless it was, I never bothered to change my subscription back. I definitely feel it’s a very misleading feature description.

    Elephant, when you say you can do some kind of Geolocation with the map, what is it you are referring to? I use an iPhone, and an iPad, both of which I have set to allow Evernote to use my precise location. However, when I go into a note and look at the info, all I can do is see a map with the pin on it. I cannot copy the location anywhere that I can figure out and I cannot open the location in any map app. Yes, I can hold the pin and drag it to a different location if I wanted to. I’m not sure what good that is. I have seen quite a number of posts where people have asked about using Geolocation, however, I have never found anything or any way to really be able to use Geolocation with my notes. Offhand, I know of quite a few occupations that could really benefit from the ability to have Geolocation integrated into the notes in a way that would be useful.

  2. Hello,

    I've been asking for geotagging in notes since 2008. Now, a couple of years ago, I was convinced that I needed to upgrade to the Professional plan and that would allow geotagging. So I did that. And of course, that feature was never developed the way it was advertised. Can anyone point me to where I'm wrong? I would really love to make Evernote my main note taking app again. But I need the ability to know where a note was created and use a link in the note to open a navigation app in order to get back to that location. Yes I know there are work arounds using other apps to add GPS data to a note. I need something that works fast and is built-in. By the way, here's a snippet of the advertising used to sell the Professional plan;


     "NEW: More search options, including Boolean terms and geographic search to find precisely the information you need."


    Thanks again for any update.

  3. I’m honestly not even sure how or why I used these “points“ he’s talking about. Although I’ve been a member for many, many years, I don’t know where you get points from. I believe that I wanted to try something that was available in the Premium plan and when I went to upgrade, the system used these points that I had accumulated somehow in order to pay for the upgrade. I can’t imagine how that affects anything to do with wanting to upgrade again. It seems to me that the points or “gifts” would be just like an exchange for paying with money. And by the way, I’m actually locked out all the way until November 2023 before he says I’m able to change my plan again. So for 2 and 1/2 years I’m locked into a plan? And only then by allowing it to downgrade me to a free plan does he say I can upgrade again? Why would I do that? Couldn’t I possibly lose some data or features if I were to allow my plan to be downgraded to the free plan?

    There are a number of things that I am wanting to use in the Professional plan. Including geolocation and the Slack integration. 


  4. This doesn't make any sense to me. I was migrated to the new Personal plan recently. After looking over the new plan details, I would like to upgrade to the Professional plan. However, I have been unable to do that. I keep getting an error. So I submitted a ticket and have been told that because I used some points to upgrade my account in the past, I have to wait until that plan upgrade expires in 2023 before I am able to upgrade to a higher plan again. So let me understand this. I am trying to give Evernote more money on a monthly basis and I am unable to do so because I used some points? It doesn't make any sense to me. But I have now been told twice that I can't do so. Does anyone know if there is any workaround to this? Here is a copy of the actual text from the email I received from Evernote support. 

    It appears that your Premium subscription is migrated to Personal. However, you used points to upgrade your account 5/31/2021, and it will be valid until 11/8/2023.

    Since you used points to upgrade the account, upgrading the account will not be completed. Due to system limits, we are unable to complete the upgrade, and you will need to wait until your account downgrades to Free membership to complete the upgrade.

    Hoping for your kind understanding about the matter.


    Yasser G.

    Customer Support


    His previous reply;

    I wanted to let you know that your account is currently unable to complete this upgrade because it is set using a gift code. Due to system limits, we are unable to complete the upgrade, and you will need to wait until your account downgrades to Free membership to complete the upgrade.

    Hoping for your kind understanding about the matter.


    Yasser G.

    Customer Support




  5. Hello,

    When using the EN helper elephant icon I'm having problems. I don't know if there's a setting somewhere or if this is how it's supposed to work. When I use the "Capture Screen" option, it switches to EN and takes a screenshot of my EN screen. It doesn't matter what app I'm using. So if I'm trying to take a screenshot of a webpage, I can't. It immediately takes a screenshot of the EN app screen and creates a new note with that. When I use the "Capture Window" option, it switches to EN as well. However, I am able to CMD+TAB back to whatever window I want to capture and then click the button and it takes a shot of the current window and creates a new note of that. And when I use the "Capture Selection" option I am able to TAB back to the other window and click and drag and take a shot of whatever window I want. I hope this makes sense. So I am able to use a workaround to take a screenshot of a window or selection. But not a full screen capture because it only takes one of the EN screen automatically.


    Mac M1, MacOS 11.4

  6. OK. I installed from the download link. So far the only thing I noticed different is that the note "snippets" show some additional info including images. Otherwise the other issues that I'm having seem to be the same. I'm going to search for answers and if I don't find any info, create another post or two.

    Thanks for the info.

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  7. Hello,

    I originally dowloaded Evernote via the App Store. Yet whenever there is an update available, it doesn't show up in the App Store "Updates". So it never automatically updates. I have to search for EN in the App Store, and then I see the "update" button where the "download" button normally is. That's how I know there's an update available. Anyone know why this is?


  8. Are there any other solutions? That app seems to have disappeared. I have been wanting geolocation data in EN for years. It used to work. Sort of. But just now there isn't any map at all when looking at the "info" for a note. At least on my Mac laptop. Must have happened with the last update. It seems like such a useful thing for notes. So many professionals of all kinds need the location data for the notes they take...

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