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Posts posted by diegartenfrau

  1. It's still not working properly. This filtering is too many steps, especially if you have a lot of different recipe stacks, gardening stacks  etc. with many notebooks in it, in different languages. Most of the time it doesn't even find them as you type. I want to search only in one notebook because if it doesn't find my notebook, I have to do a general search and get parsnip from every stack including my garden section, while all I wanted is soup. too much to wade through. Who can remember every single notebooks? Often I have to do my search on the computer app, make a reminder for my selection and then wait for it too appear on my android app, sometimes it's quick but sometimes I am waiting and waiting. I should be able to do this on the app. A manual sync would be good in this situation but of course that's not possible anymore either.
    I am a prime user since 2012. The android app is getting more and more unusable for people that not "power (tech people) users" .
    It takes too long to load, it takes too long to sync, it crashes all the time. Sometimes I want to start cooking dinner now and not to have to wait for the notebooks to fill up because I don't see the notes in there. I don't know what it's doing but there is nothing in there and it can take 5 minutes and more it all to sync up again. 
    Right now I am testing Joplin out, because this Evernote app issue is really getting to me, it is wasting my time. I have been holding out waiting for it to improve, work better but every update seems to make it worse for me. The new fancy windows app is really not that great either, lot's of bells and whistles most people don't need, I don't need bells and whistles, I need something that is workable. 
    Me thinks they are moving toward corporation, work flow clientele and leaving the rest in the dust.

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  2. I haven't been much using the computer last week, frankly I wasted so much time trying to make the clipper work, I gave up. I have other things to do.
    Interestingly today since I have been collecting tabs to clip, I had too many tabs open, so I reluctantly forced myself to just deal with the clipper. I really haven't done anything to it since.
    First on my list was trying to log out and into my other account, at first it didn't seem to work but after a couple clicks it asked me for some permissions (didn't ask me that last week), which I reluctantly gave, having misgivings to give Evernote so much of my privacy ;) then it logged me into my other account. Next step was clipping, first it didn't work either, then I went through the options (more privacy violations I need to permit too) after reluctantly permitting these, reloaded the page and it proceeded to clip after another popup popped up asking another privacy giveaway, this pop up came up with every single tab I tried to clip. Not happy with these privacy issues. As soon another company bought Evernote seems like they want more of our data and I see that as a problem. There I set up my computer with all the privacy I desire and now I am supposed to give it all up to Evernote so they monetize my data? I am a paying user since 2012. With all that is going on in the internet world, hacking, phishing, etc. we need better privacy laws not worse. Not too happy about it and I can say if this doesn't change I may move my clipping and notes to another site, as soon I find one that serves my need. 


  3. I got the pdf button back after rebooting but still can't log out of the clipper to log into my other account. I can't just constantly re-install to use the clipper so this is a big detriment. The more they update the more everything get's unusable and that applies to almost every software, app etcetera. The way it's going I am soon going back to paper and pencil, that always worked ;) Making software ever fancier with the newest bells and whistles, isn't necessary making things more useful. I use the old legacy version for one of my accounts and that's working like a charm. I do not like the new version's layout and how it functions.

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  4. Not working for me anymore since updated to the 7.30 version, I am  using a chrome based browser. 
    Sometimes it clips but many times it doesn't, even after reloading the page several times. the simple page clips, many times doesn't give me a satisfactory layout in the clip anymore. Used to be better. PDF hasn't worked for a while, in fact today I noticed the pdf option is missing now.
    I have two Evernote accounts, one I use predominantly for recipes, so I like to log out and log in to my other account to clip to the proper account, used to work flawlessly even tough I wished they could let us switch the accounts just like we can do on the app, since the update it won't let me log out. The log out button doesn't work at all. I have to de-install the extension, install it again to log into my other account. I tried clearing the cookies after de-install and it did not change the problems. I need the clipper to work, it's the main point of having the note app. Please fix it, I am a paying, heavy, long-term user. 
  5. I already removed and restarted computer 3 times, since a few days the web clipper won't clip anything, instead it is asking me to log in and after I log in, I try to clip and it again asks me to log in. Log in is not sticking. I tried it on different sites, web pages and it doesn't make a difference. I am using a Chrome based browser slimjet. This is an important part of evernote and no I don't want to do some temporary runaround, please fix this because it's not the only issue that deals with log in, the Android app since ever it updated to the "New and Improved version" (not it's a headache) also doesn't remember any log ins, everytime I open it it wants to set up the app from new, making you wait until it does, everytime to want to clip it does the same and it closes suddenly just to "set up" the app again. the new app is soo sluggish and problematic I am seriously considering ditching Evernote and I have been using it since the beginning and been a Premium user almost as long. I've been waiting already too long for it to be fixed, running out of patience

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