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Everything posted by calandril

  1. I mean a lot of them use md or similar flat formats and allow you to save on your own disk... so yeah, you don't even have to export and it's in a human readable format that computers will be able to read for the next 1000 years... happy to take that over one that has issue allowing me to export.. Check out Obsidian, Dendrite, Notesnook, and their competitors. Some are even opensource. Unless Evernote catches up, I'm going to be moving my money to Obsidian because these traits are worth the money to me. At the moment I'm paying Evernote and can't really use it because it's ***** on Linux, I need the internet to access my files, and I feel like I could lose my data at any moment, while Obsidian is polished, doesn't lock me in, and has better privacy policies (my data is on my networks only and since it's all flat files and network independent, I've spent the 30 min to setup my own synchronization between my devices, so they never even see my notes). The fact that I am completely internet independent alone is worth my money, so while I can use it for free, I'm going to pay them soon as my renewal for evernote comes up.
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