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Everything posted by johnseidel

  1. Q1. I do not see any any options for spell check. Usually it seems like spell check is automatic. My browser is Firefox on a Samsung S5e tablet running android11 (lineage 18.1). If there is a way to get spell check, then thank you in advance. 2. How hard would it be to put a "search options" buton on the search page. Why in the 21st century should I have to figure out where information important to the page is located. I say make search options completely transparent. Or minimally put a search options button on the search page that takes.me.directly to the inforrmation. Right now search options are invisible. And i find most contemporary online help system are, well . And BTW, the emoticons for this edit box are
  2. I agree that both of your examples are not good. And congratulation.to EN for deveoping a robust set of search options. My.problem is, How can can somebody who knows nothing about obscure search syntax do a.complex search. It has to be done so that somebody who is completely new to search can can easily compose a complex search without having to learn and memorize obscure arcane search syntax. It is hard to do, but with talent, time, perseverence, and the right supervision and testing, it can be done. But I do not think CorporatE EN is interested or willing. And BTW, could we get spell check added to this message editor.
  3. This is a return to archaic practices of computer geek culture. These variations of regular expressions need to be redesigned so that ordinary humans can do these things without knowing anything about regular expressions or or opaque ways of formulating searches thatt geeks did in middle of the 20th Century. This reminds me of the days when if you did not know what to do at the command prompt on a computer you did not belong there. Design for ordinary humans, not computer geek culture! Design for the 21st century. Not the 20th century. I have been there. It pains me to see that parts of EN, which I have used for 10 year is still back there.
  4. Not only do I have these annoying new widgets, I no longer can make multiple selections of notes. So this no longer has an essential feature that the abandoned plus version had. So whar you said about still having features from the abandoned version is not completly accurate! I have the abandoned version on a tablet that still has Android 9. Would that I had that on my Android 11 tablet. Now if the notebook tree allowed more than two levels that would be a great help in organizing my information. Three or four would do it for me. But somebody else might need more. Why not give the customer the flexibility rather than limit the customer. Why not make the default notebook automatically be the opening notebook. Or maybe put it at the top of the list. or better yet, let the customer decide what notebook should be at the top of the list Finally, the notes on the widget interface are worthless. Part of a title, and the first two words of the note! I am not impressed!
  5. Today I opened android evermore and a strange new interface appeared. I am a simple user. I have been so.for 10 years. I want evernote to open in the plain vanilla notes format. i do not want or need this odd, apparently widget based page that is apparently meant for premium users, as my home page. How do i turn this new home page off permanently! It took a lot of time and effort to find out how to get to the old notes format. I want that to be my default home page.
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