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Alan Rew

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Posts posted by Alan Rew

  1. By accident, I've discovered that uninstalling & reinstalling the Google Chrome browser (which was itself quite fragile), as well as the Evernote Windows client, has improved the stability of both of them. I assume there was some sort of conflict between the two - different versions of .dlls perhaps. Worth noting that I haven't installed the Evernote clipper extension in Chrome yet.

    I've raised a support ticket for the Windows client. If I find that it is now stable I'll tell Support about my findings.

    For what it's worth, I found that the old 'legacy' windows client was quite stable. It's only the new client, starting from a couple of years ago, that has been at all fragile.

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  2. For me, the worst aspect of the new Evernote client for Windows is its apparent fragility. It seems prone to crash at random times, despite my attempts to completely uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller & start afresh.

    I hope they can get this sorted out, otherwise I'll have to reluctantly consider another note-based solution.

  3. Having anchors within notes is something I would find really useful. I often end up with long notes that need parts to be addressable. Adding artificial strings to search for is a bit crude - an HTML anchor, or equivalent is really what I need for this use case.

    Splitting up a long note into multiple notes would in many cases add other inconveniences that would more than cancel out the added convenience of note-level links.

    Please add this feature!

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  4. I've resorted to using Skitch to take a screenshot of my code in my current code editor(s) (PhpStorm and Notepad++) and SQL tool (SQLyog) into my EN notes. But this of course means you can't copy/paste the actual code (although maybe the OCR function in EN Premium would read the code somehow???).


    To be fair, EN was designed as a general purpose tool and not a programmer's tool, but it would be great if this feature was available. As a programmer developing/supporting a large & complex PHP web dev framework I make heavy use of EN to keep track of my work and make notes how the code works etc. I couldn't manage without it!


    FWIW, Notepad++ uses the free Scintilla package http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scintilla_%28editing_component%29 which has implementations for several different platforms including Windows. Maybe this could be added to EN, eben just for the synax colouring?

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