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Posts posted by MONIROM

  1. On 11/5/2021 at 8:24 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Nothing is a game changer - not for everybody. This focus on the newest, hottest, whateverishest app is IMHO watching at things from the wrong perspective. It is not „Oh, I took that app and then I finally discovered my wonderful use cases“.

    It should be the other way round: „Hey, I really nailed down my most important use cases, then looked at the solutions and decided to get my use cases supported by app A (and maybe B and C)“. Maybe I decide to run with A alone, and accept some restrictions instead of using more apps for a perfect fit.

    It many well be that you feel much better today with another app. But you should (self critically) ask yourself if it was not your own mistake to stick with an app for too long for the wrong use case. Then be happy you corrected this error. But IMHO you should not ask others to repeat it by putting the focus on „fantastic“ apps instead of optimal workflows. What counts is knowing the job, and getting it done.

    I’m not chasing the next shiny object. It just so happens that the newer options I chose came with some unexpected benefits that extend my rapid adoption of the new tool. As someone who designs enterprise software for a living I just want the tools I use to do be consistent and reliable in their core functionality. I’m not telling people they have to follow in my footsteps nor am I evangelizing any specific solution or migration. Just sharing my own experience and frustration with Evernote.

    No malice was ever intended - I’m just pointing out that this is a recurring problem that has been an issue since 2014. It’s akin to people complaining about the Atlassian product suite. Just because its ingrained and embedded in many dev orgs doesn't mean you can’t do something about it, thats how they lost marketshare to Basecamp, Trello, and LeanKit. (heck Atlassian - IMHO - felt threatened enough to acquire Trello.) Another good example is Microsoft Teams - which wouldn’t be what it is today if they didn’t feel Slack and GSuite was eating into their marketshare.

  2. It has been 11 months since I migrated to Notion and I haven't looked back. I've still got almost 8,000 notes in Evernote but shut down my paid account and am taking my time migrating just what I need on an adhoc basis.

    The fact that this note-duplication bug is still occurring is testament to how persuasive this problem is. It's literally been rearing it's head since 2014. The whole "don't edit your notes on more than one device simultaneously" - points to a major flaw in Evernote's coding even as the powers that be are trying to reposition Evernote as a viable collaboration platform. How do you colllaborate remotely if the team can't work the same document/workspace simultaneously?

    Notion, MS Office, and GSuite all offer simultaneous, multi-editor collaboration in real-time regardless of device. Notion released their API earlier this year and now also supports Japanese and Korean. Microsoft and Google released their own Notion-Killer (though w/ different answers to the database features) in MS Loop and GSuite Canvas. Obsidian is also available to those who want to host their own second brain. All these advances are game changers. And everytime I return to Evernote to migrate notebooks, I do a few every weekend, I feel as if the product I used to love evangelizing, is stuck in the dark ages.

  3. I’ve been using Notion since October 2020 and love it. When you realize its power (Notion’s) extend beyond taking notes you’ll be blown away. Take the personal pro plan for a spin. Its free and the only limits are size of uploads (5mb) and #of people you can collaborate with (5 max) - though you can share anything to the public. 

    You can upgrade to Personal Pro at anytime (plans are only $47 annually - if you do everything in the tutorial you get discounts/credits) There are also Team and Enterprise plans. (The kicker is how you can roll pages into tables/lists that can be searched/filtered/sorted - essentially turning your work into a database. And once they are collected you can apply a myriad of views/ways to consume your content as galleries, tables, lists, project boards, calendars and timelines - all without having to manipulate your documents.) 

    NOTICE how I’m shamelessly evangelizing? This is what I used to do for Evernote. Its that level of excitement that grabbed me after the aha! moment with Notion. And yes theres a web clipper, desktop app, browser app, and mobile apps. 

    Take a look at this proof of concept I created with notion for articles I clip. (See bit.ly link at end of my comment.) Take a look at the carat next to the Gallery View label - you’ll  see a dropdown allowing you to switch between Gallery and Table Views. And yes this article archive is “pretty” AND comes from a pre-existing template. But you can make your own experiences as threadbare or gilded as you like. (Oh did I mention if you have a work AND personal account you can switch between the two secure spaces without having to log out/back in?)

    And yes, they do have an import path for evernote. Its not perfect but good enough for my purposes *import path wont cuttently pull in images/rich media. (It used to) ALSO Notion doesn’t have an offline mode. 


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  4. 58 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Maybe we would be a step further if everybody would not only know his support options, but use them as well.

    My participation in this special issue would be theoretical (and of little use therefore), since my notes refrain from duplication.

    One aspect found in other threads (not in this one) is that long notes tend to duplicate easier than shorter ones. From this thread I am not sure whether the problems mentioned here match this pattern.

    I've been with Evernote since inception, and I was a paying customer by the end of the first week of use. The problem lies not in our filing or not filing a support ticket but Evernote's inability to respond or just ignoring the ticket entirely. Many of us are power users, have religiously evangelized Evernote, but are fed-up with lackluster performance/response.
    Contextually, this problem has persisted since 2014. Just because it doesn't happen to your account/your documents doesn't mean it's fluke or user error.
    For some of us - the duplication happens the minute we try an edit a document, it happens regardless of length, and it happens even on new documents.
    We've uninstalled, reinstalled, upgraded OSes, and tried running on multiple platforms, and multiple browsers. Therefore all things being equal, it's not user error, it's not hardware/software versions/configurations — it's account specific/a problem with Evernote.
    This is the same type of indifference Evernote has shown some of it's most loyal users over the years. From cutting off publically shared Notebook options for teachers, to telling everyone there was no workaround to the 200 folder limit (and then recanting when they were losing users), to not understanding why business users would need the ability to generate templates or share master folders — Evernote has been reactionary versus proactive in it's response.
    You know what product doesn't have issues with people working on it simultaneously on different platforms? Google Docs, Notion, Dropbox paper, etc. to suggest that Evernote was "not designed to make changes to a note (the same) on 2 or more clients simultaneously" completely but's the kibosh on it's claims to be a viable solution for businesses.
    I'm sorry for the rant but I believe I am speaking for many of us on this thread. Full disclosure, I cancelled my Evernote accounts after 10 years and we as a business stopped using it months ago just because we kept getting excuses. I still maintain a basic FREE account to allow me to transition the 7,000+ documents reserve we have to other platforms.
    Kudos to you (PinkElephant) for still fighting the good fight and trying to troubleshoot for other people. But for some of us the battle should not be about getting the tools we pay for to do what was originally promised — it should be about running the business.

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  5. 2 hours ago, IzzyG said:

    I've been using Evernote for almost 6 years now. I just recently started on a cool workflow where I basically just duplicate a Todo list each day, changing and updating. It leaves me an archive of what I've accomplished as well. I manage these on my Mac and my iPhone.

    Yesterday, I had to stop working on an urgent research project and spend 30+ minutes reviewing three copies of that day's to-do list. I had to go to my Mac, open the three notes side by side on the Desktop app and compare each line. I then manually moved all the significant edits over to the most recent copy... These notes are each around three hundred lines long hahaha

     This usually is not super bad, but just coincidentally on that day, I had made several edits over the past three or four hours. It was bad. I left a note to myself "F*** Evernote. Find an alternative."

    I calmed down. I'm sticking with Evernote for now because I don't have time to migrate, and it's generally the apex of notes management. Whatever I can do to help the devs or whoever fix this, I am willing to do. I hope the team knows I personally appreciate all their hard work, but this little sync thing almost broke my brain lol

    I feel your pain. Just wait until you wrap up editing a major document and Evernote stops syncing and undoes all of your edits by reverting to the last saved copy. Then when you get back into the document and try and redo the edits that Evernote deleted, you get the message that "Evernote has a conflict that it no longer has access to your original document and therefore can't sync nor save your edits." Two days of lost productivity was enough to sour me off of what had been a reliable tool. Evernote has had this problem intermittently since 2014 — they eventually fix it but it eventually comes back when they release a new version. It's as if someone keep peeling off the band-aid instead of truly fixing the problem.

    • Thanks 2
  6. I've literally given up on this issue. When EN started essentially breaking reciprocal links between notes in my cache of 4 years of documentation I gave up.

    I rolled back to a legacy version of the app on my MacBook Pro, and though some have said that support for legacy versions have stopped, you can still download both Mac & Windows versions here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote

    This has returned some level of sanity to my workflow but it has not resolved the mobile issues.

    I've been porting my notes to Notion (which has it's own issues but, after addressing the learning curve I spend more time in Notion than I do in Evernote.)

    Full disclosure, that doesn't mean I'm off Evernote completely. It just means before my subscription renews I'm going to roll back to the freeplan. Now to migrate 14 years worth of notes... ALSO for anyone contemplating the move to Notion, they don't yet have an offline mode, they're experiencing growing pains (which led to a 3 hour outage last month), but I'm loving the robust database features enough to pay for it.

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  7. You guys have been having various flavors of this problem since 2014 - why the constant regression?

    • I know people mentioned this in the BETA. (Using the desktop app on MacBook Pro, Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.7. w 32GB of RAM)
    • And please don't blame a bad internet connection. (Im on gigabit internet - Verizon FiOS 115mbps down 125mbps up)
    • This was one of the reasons my org stayed away from Evernote for Business.
    • It's not doing any better on the new Evernote Home BETA either.
    • To add insult to injury, when making edits to older notes, after 5 minutes, all of your edits get wiped as Evernote restores to a previous version.
    • Deleting the duplicate notes also does not stop the replication. As a paying user with over 8,000 notes this does not help with productivity.
  8. It does but not if you have notebooks with 500 notes in them. Having to recreate a TOC in batches every time (or periodically) is a less than productive solution.

    Especially when the app used to do this by default. It harkens back to when Evernote limited users to max 200 notebooks and suggested people use tags as a way to sort/find notes. In a business environment, this is not an effective way to manage notes/access.

    As a Premium Subscriber who has 8,000 notes and has been using the service since incept — I'm disappointed. I have a hard time evangelizing Evernote these days. (sorry for the rant.)


  9. 12 hours ago, BClarke said:

    Same issue. Long time user and loved it for well over a year. Just upgraded and am trying to migrate notebooks from other platforms and I'm up to like 10+ duplicates that I keep deleting. It also seems to be dropping the additional content I bring over. It is like it is just refreshing what was uploaded to the server within the first minute of creating the notebook and dropping any additional changes.

    I understand performance issues because I have 8.000+ notes (been with Evernote for a while) but my content is already synced locally. ALSO - Evernote is actively reverting all my changes/formatting. I've tried multiple/different notes as well as copy/pasting content from old note to new note, and it's just untennable.

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