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Posts posted by nqtuan

  1. I'm not a tech savvy, neither a guru in computer, but recently, if i open EV in a browser on ipad, there's always a pop-up saying to open the app, and by no mean i can login to EV via a web browser. The reason i want to login into the web-based EV is to see if all my notes and clips (done with EV Clipper) are there, because all my devices are not updated. It was a pleasure to use EV, now ...!!! (a pain???). I used to be a premium member since years ago. Maybe i must pay more attention to the old post (2017) :  

    "Geotrouvetout67.  Posted July 22, 2017

    I find extremely frustrating to be blocked from accessing my notes via an iPad without using the app. For that reason I am looking for another note solution, Zoho or DS Note are in sight for me."

  2. Thanks for all the people who suggest to deinstall then reinstall the app. I’ve tried this, and the app syncs again. But i’d say that: 1.All the pending notes are lost after the reinstall. 2.The new clips mostly are incomplete. 3.For me, the desktop app is not synced all the time (frustrating!).

    I decide not to quit Evernote for now, but which alternatives do you suggest?

    It was a pleasure to use the app. Now it’s a pain! (2 and 3 above)

    Again, thank you all for the deinstsll-reinstall process.

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