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Posts posted by fnl

  1. After way more than a decade of Evernote, I left for Joplin and Obsidian, not the least because they both work like a charm on iOS, OSX, and Linux.

    Ā That said, I think EN is the best note taking app out there, but the lag issues converted it to a show stopper.Ā I to thisĀ date donā€™t like/useĀ the ā€œnativeā€ (hah!) Slack &Ā Teams clients, or VS Code for those same reasons: If your app freezes, your productivity and flow takes a nose dive, and with a few of them, just plain crashes.

    I wonder when the these companies will finally awaken and understand that Electron is crapwareā€¦

    • Like 1
  2. That reminds me of another reason why I am still using the EN Legacy app: When I create new notes, EN 10.x sometimes hangs and the new note does not become "available" (stays a white sheet, with no title and text field).Ā  As I typically am in a hurry when using Evernote to take notes "in realtime", having EN hang on new notes is a total deal-breaker. Last tested and encountered on EN 10.5.7.

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  3. I am also unhappy with the 10.x release so far (and was one of the first to complain here, see top).
    To me, there only is one realistic alternative, OneNote that can offer all of Evernote's most important functionality (vs. Apple Notes, Nimbus, Notion, Bear, etc. that all fall short):

    • MUST HAVE: working and effective search across both headlines and content (weird how many apps fall short here!)
    • quick note taking for meetings with action items and reminders
    • web clipping and editing clipped content
    • scanning & OCR of documents with my phone camera into my collections (not a hard requirement
    • tagging and labeling content to make it efficient to find notes (even if I forgot all keywords by which to search for a particular note)

    On top, in OneNote you can draw diagrams, set up (simple) math equations and import your meeting details if your company uses Office.
    On the downside, you do not get easy pre-formatted text blocks for code and there are no reminders (AFAICT).
    Everything in OneNote is shared via Microsoft OneDrive.

    One killer feature of EN used to be that they have proper OSX integration, e.g., that you could use it with Apple Script or Alfred Workflows, etc.
    By moving to Electron, they lost that edge, though.
    And currently, you cannot edit note creation dates in EN, either (just as OneNote.)

    Overall, yes, in the 10.4 release it still feels as if the content is fetched online, not stored locally.
    For now, I can survive with the legacy app on OSX as I don't use EN that much on my phone, except for scanning docs.
    I sincerely hope that EN in the coming weeks releases 10.5, that it works well enough on the desktop to move to it, and that they release a version that works on the phone (where this new version is an even worse disaster, not to mention the broken web clipping on phones...).
    Fingers crossed, I'd much rather not have to move to OneNote!

  4. Thanks; Spent a 1/2 h trying to figure out how...Ā Looking forward to this, as it will make templates finally useful to me. I typically need to create notes in a huge hurry, so picking templates from the "template" button in an empty note has never been very useful to me. But having the ability to create a tailored todo list, meeting note, or annotated code snippet on the fly would be great.

    • Like 3
  5. It was reinstated a couple days afters they they pulled it. According to the below linked Article from the EN Knowledge Base, last updated on Feb. 17, 2015, it's now done through the Chat Feature.


    I would suggest you create a new Notebook called, "My Public Notes & Links," or similar, then create and add Notes with any Link(s) you want to share publicly. This would give you the added benefit of being able to Title & Tag each Note, as well as provide a short blurb explaining what each Link in the Note is regarding.


    Yes, I've seen and found that much. But the problem is, the chat "feature" forces me to place an email address there and send some peculiar message I am not interested in. All I wanted to do is copy the public URL of the notebook to my clipboard, but doing that one simple thing does not seem possible with this "chat" interface. Instead, I had to go to the web interface to get a copy of the URL.

  6. FYI: I can still get to the notebook URL on the web interface, but having to go there just to get it is still not very user-friendly.


    I do hope Evernote will back off from this idea - I am a paying power-user and not having public URLs for my notebooks and notes would be a major game-changer.


    And, getting to the public Notebook URL from within Evernote should be made possible (or at least be made more obvious, like on the web interface).

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