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Posts posted by Robejazz

  1. On 1/16/2024 at 5:59 AM, Der Eisgraue said:

    Well, the thing ist that you can put the "Vault" with the Obsidian content e.g. to Dropbox or pCloud or any other cloud service you may trust, and then it is being synchronized without the need to pay the syn function in Obsidian. If you need to sync it to Android or iOS, there are countless sync apps to sync your cloud to local folders which can then be used for syncing the Obsidian vault.

    The reason why I moved from Obsidian back to Evernote (yes, I have been there for more than one year or so ...) was that the plain text notes are filled with markdown signs and wikilinks like [[this is a link]] ,... yes, your data is yours but it is being modificated to a kind of propriarity, text full with special signs, bounded together by the markdown engine which is being used in Obsidian. They tell you, your data is yours but in fact you are just captured in another bubble.




    Good Morning - I am in the process of moving my stuff from Obsidian back to EN as well - I agree with the added junk getting in the way.   How did you move stuff back? I've resorted to cut and paste! I'd love to see a MD importer for Evernote :)


  2. Good Day All,

    i am ready to go back to being all in with Evernote. I’ve always liked the product and nothing else is quite like it. I have a couple of questions; sorry if some have been answered already - a lot of negativity in this forum that I’d like to avoid :) 

    1. I used to keep my files in Evernote. Mostly my teaching lessons etc…. Is that still a good idea. How many of you keep a lot of files in Evernote ?  I mean working files…..

    2. Assuming I keep my files in Evernote - what’s the best way to back up and have my stuff local as a back up ?


    thank you 

  3. On 1/15/2023 at 3:56 PM, Matthew Rathbun said:

    I have been with Evernote since 2009.  About 18 months ago I was pulled away by some of the newer stuff coming out and promoted by YouTubers and other productivity guides.  I tried several products for 3-6 months each and at the end of the day I kept finding myself wishing that product X did what Evernote does.  I returned a few months ago and started an all new account from scratch and I regret the time I wasted playing with other products.......

    This is ME! I really have not found anything that clicks with me better than Evernote ... Question: Did you find creating a "fresh" account provided any benefits? I went through my notes - exported a bunch for safe keeping and deleted the rest and started over. Anyone have any insight if it's better to start with a new account? 


  4. I was having the issue of tasks not loading on the Mac - it would just spin and spin and spin..... So I logged out and also checked to "Remove my Evernote data from this Device" and that worked ..... and, it makes Evernote WAY faster. All notes now load almost instantly (or at least a lot faster than the past few weeks). 

    Makes a huge difference in usability - just thought I'd share. 



    • Thanks 1
  5. On 7/18/2019 at 11:03 AM, DTLow said:

    Welcome to the forums.

    Evernote's a favourite tool for me.  I use it to store/organize all my documents.

    When you say store all your documents  - does this mean things one would normal store in DropBox or GDrive? For example, I have about 18 GB of "teaching materials" - I'd love to make each folder of teaching stuff a note in Evernote - I think this would be a great way to organize my stuff and make a WiKi of sorts - link my daily lesson plans to the appropriate Note - Does this work do you think?


  6. Hi There,


    Thanks to this thread, I found my Evernote Files. Thanks!


    Now - I downloaded the newest Public Beta (Direct Download) and I ALSO have the App Store version that I use for my Day to Day use of evernote. Do I now have duplicates of every file? Are they stored in both places??? Does anyone know, and should I care ??




  7. Besides 50% student discounts, I think Evernote should also offer Teacher discounts, Senior Citizen discounts, Active Military discounts, Former Military Discounts, Discounts for Charitable Organizations, Union discounts, Government employee discounts, discounts for the unemployed, discounts for the Arts. Just think how much all these organizations could add to Evernote's future growth and bottom line.



    I'm just saying...

    Incredible display of short term thinking and elitism (among other things) - not even sure where to start.


    First of all, our future is in education, so a business model that promotes education is always a sound investment. Second, even as a ruthless business strategy, having no concern for anyone other than themselves, EN can get tax write-offs for discounting education accounts AND hook students into Evernote while they are young and create future business. Either way, philanthropy or Big Business, it can work for Evernote...

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