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Everything posted by !!D@wn

  1. Many of my notes had photos linked to my Evernote, some by sending the image and others by adding the photo from within the note. However, trying just now sending photo of THIS note, the note does show up correctly at this moment.
  2. I am using EN on computer online at EN.com... so that means the EN app is not uploading the photos taken on my phone... Ha, I don't know how to resolve that. I see what you're driving at in the Mac settings, but not sure.... thank you, I'll work on it.
  3. I used to take photos inside the Evernote note, and it would scan and flatten and attach to my note. It recently stopped the scanning part, and I get a message: "Evernote would like to access your photos..." and now it stopped working. So I tried taking photos with iphone (no "scanning") and sometime attach using Evernote app on phone, or sending photo to my evernote address for adding to my files. These two actions do not work well, or consistently. Also, now the photos are included in the note in Evernote on my iphone, but do not show up on my mac. Dawn
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