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Nathan T

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Posts posted by Nathan T

  1. I get why they're making the change, but it does seem like quite a user-hostile move to blindside people with it with no warning. IMO a more reasonable approach would have been a warning that the limits would be changing in 3-6 months.

    I'm concerned this is another death spiral indicator. It seems like it'll be very difficult for them to attract new users given such a limited trial, along with how many former evangelists they've disillusioned at this point.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    The use of notebooks is not the best way to install GTD anyhow. As you noticed yourself, it creates a lot of movement of notes. A personal productivity method should result in less, not more movement. Movement is waste, lean philosophy teaches.

    If you would use tags instead of notebooks, the notes can stay where they are. Just the tags are applied, and later erased.

    Unnecessary *physical* movement is waste. In Evernote moving a note between notebooks is (or should be) instantaneous, and is more convenient than removing one tag and adding another, which you'd otherwise have to do to change the task's status.

  3. The guy who spends all his time shilling in the Evernote forums, talking about people having nothing better to do.  The way things are going, you may need to get a new hobby.

    There are multiple people in that thread claiming to have heard it directly from laid-off employees, and that the layoffs happened today.  Yeah, it's possible it's made up, but more likely it's true, and will be more mainstream news in a day or two.  There were also massive layoffs back in February, which is probably the discussion you're thinking of.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm becoming convinced Evernote doesn't actually believe in regression testing.

    For the past week and a half or so, about 90% of the time, quick notes don't work on Android.  I didn't notice this at first and lost several notes, because the only indication is hasn't worked is a quick flash of red on the screen, and then the app is crashed the next time you try to open it.  This is happening on my wife's phone as well, so much be a fairly common issue.

    Not losing notes is about the most critical feature there is for a note-taking app.

    Meanwhile daily reminder digest emails have been missing reminders for close to a month now, and moving notes into large notebooks is now basically impossible. 

    • Like 1
  5. I narrowed down my issue to moving notes to large notebooks. I have a "done" notebook where I keep completed tasks - often useful to search when or how something was done, and easier to put everything in there than to try and decide what I might need later. It has 17k notes currently, and was consistently very slow to move into since this problem started. For now I've created a temporary done2023 notebook to work around it.


    Unfortunately in doing so I realized that unlike any filesystem, EN considers moving a note to be an update and changes the updated date.

  6. On 6/19/2023 at 2:50 PM, Nathan T said:

    FWIW Support confirmed that this is a known issue, then claimed it was fixed in 10.58.5, but it isn't.  Still suffering through 30s+ note moves around 1/3 to 1/2 the time.


    14 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    You do need to let them know there's an issue before anyone is going to look at it at all.  I already raised a ticket on this,  but more feedback helps...

    Yes, I did let them know. They told me it was fixed. I've since let them know it's not in fact fixed.  I'm not confident they understand the issue though, as they've been referring to it as "notes loading slowly", despite me correcting them.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Randy Zeitman said:

    Who is supposed to see this and what will they do when they do?

    If 98% percent like, or better, the product why should they value the 2% approaching demanding 'superior or bust'. 

    What do I care who sees it? I'm frustrated that a product I used to love and still rely on has gotten worse over time, and this is a way to express my frustration. If indeed 98% of Evernote users are happy with the way the product has gone, then I guess yeah, they shouldn't care. I doubt that's the case, but who cares what either of us thinks. Certainly not these bendy spoon folks.

    • Like 4
  8. The absolute gall of nearly doubling the price, touting all their supposed new features, when the current version can't even perform simple tasks (like moving multiple notes at once on mobile) that the legacy version did years ago.  Not to mention the frequent slowdowns that are still rampant.  If those issues are still present when my subscription is up in September, and I'll be shocked if they aren't, this will be my last year as a paying customer, 2013-2023.

    • Like 1
  9. 45 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Anything special about these notes, like size, attachments or similar ?

    How long since the last full install of v10 ?

    No, regular notes with a title and a line or two of text mostly. Has happened a couple more times since my last post; seems to happen as often as not now.  My last (and first) full install of v10 was about a month ago. Regretting that decision some.

  10. For anyone else annoyed by this, I just worked out how to make a little AutoHotKey (1.1) script that detects when the Evernote Quick Note window opens, and automatically clicks the button to open the main Evernote window.  Note that because Evernote is all Electron web nonsense now, the buttons don't have unique labels, so I had to click by position.  The quick note window is always the same size, so this works fine, but it's possible if your resolution is different you'd need to alter the x/y positions.


    SetBatchLines, -1
    DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,A_ScriptHwnd)
    MsgNum := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK")
    OnMessage(MsgNum, "ShellMessage")

    ShellMessage(wParam,lParam) {
        If (wParam = 1) { ; 1 means HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED
            WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %lParam%
            If (title = "Evernote Quick Note") {
                ; Wait for the window to be active before clicking
                WinWaitActive, ahk_id %lParam%
                ; Send a left click to x=200, y=100
                ControlClick, x700 y90, ahk_id %lParam%


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