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Posts posted by KennyMan666

  1. 3 hours ago, davide.silvi said:

    Basic : one off purchase

    • Single user / No sync / save to disk only / 
    • 25mb note size / 25 Folders , 5000 notes / 

    Without the syncing, there would be absolutely no reason for anyone to buy that instead of just going with for example Joplin or Obsidian though, since the biggest disadvantage of those when compared to Evernote is the lack of (zero-effort and convenient) sync across multiple devices and lack of web client. And if there's no sync, then the web client thing doesn't matter anyway, and at that point the free alternatives offer more than this basic plan idea since they have no limits on notes or folders.

    That said, a one-time purchase with sync and a 5k note limit (though, honestly, any limit should be on total file size used, not total number of notes, and there's absolutely zero reason to limit number of folders other than to be mean) is something I could have gone for if it was reasonably priced, though.

  2. I find it extremely hard to believe that the limiting and price hiking was because free users used up too many resources and made it unsustainable. I exported all my notebooks, containing a total of almost 1200 notes made over the course of over ten years of use, and the total filesize of all of them was a whopping... 25 megabytes.

    If it was really the case, then putting a lower limit on the allowed total space used would have been the answer, not the number of notes and notebooks.

  3. 17 minutes ago, justnewlistings said:

    is there a way to export articles and files to another service?  I do not think so. Evernote has made this impossible to trap users in their system.  It's not worth 124/year but many of us are imprisoned in evernote with so much content that we do not want to lose.

    There are absolutely other writing programs that can import ENEX files. Of the alternatives I've tried because this gross rugpulling makes Evernote unusable for me going foward, Joplin (which is open source and free) seems to be the frontrunner so far. I am also experimenting with a trial of Scrivener for my writing, but that can't import them, and is really a different kind of thing. None of the alternatives I've come across really do all the same things as Evernote, especially when it comes to the whole sync to multiple devices thing (Joplin can do it but requires you to bring your own syncing service, they do also offer one at thirty euros a year but can also use DropBox or OneDrive or the like, but they have no web client), so what you might want to go with depends on your use cases. But if your first priority is to get all your things out of Evernote into something else and figure out the rest later, then Joplin, Obsidian, and probably some others I haven't tested can do it the easiest.

  4. Yep, same here, it's just stuck loading. But given that notes aren't loading in the web interface either—I can see my notebooks and note titles, but nothing shows up in the text area when clicking any notes—I'm figuring the problem lies with Evernote's servers and not the program itself.

    EDIT: And as suddenly as it started (which was sometime within the last ~hour and a half, tried running it multiple times with no success), it's back to normal now, with the desktop client working and notes loading in the web client. So hopefully it works for the OP now as well.

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