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Everything posted by ag14

  1. Hi gazumped, thanks for your response. So, let's just say if I wanted to know for academic reasons, how could I find that out? I would like to know the total size that all of my data is consuming in a cloud somewhere. Would love to know how to do that. After all, its is my own data.
  2. I have been a longtime paid Evernote subscriber. Right now, due to some payment issues, I am stuck with the free version of Evernote and using it on the web. I would like to be able to know the total size of all my notes together, i.e, of my entire Evernote database/repository. Is there a way to do this? I see some answers saying how to do this on Mac or Windows, but I think even that interface is gone with the new EN updates. I have no idea how I can find out the total size of all my notes. Best, Arushi
  3. If I open a notebook on the ipad, I see a list of notes as a left pane and i can click on the different notes to see their contents in the right pane/editor window (see photo1). However, this doesn't work if I want to see all the notes contained in a tag. The list of notes belonging to a tag essentially opens as a full window (see photo2) and when i click on a note from among them, the list of notes disappears and i see the note as a full window. I would like to be able to see the list of notes under a tag as the left pane just like the list of notes under a notebook. I do not see the reason behind differentiating the views like that. Is it possible to make it more uniform so that we see the left pane for both tags and notebooks or have an option on how to view it? PS: the same thing that happens for tags also happens for filters and saved searches.
  4. Why is it that the light mode sidebar on iOS is white, but it is black on Windows? On another discussion on the Dark Sidebar, a member of staff posted that the dark sidebar in light mode is a design decision. Why is there a discrepancy then? Many of us would prefer to have all light panels on light mode and all dark panels on dark mode, like in iOS.
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