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Everything posted by jeffok7

  1. I just found out that Evernote will increase my subscription fee by 60% in a single jump! This is outrageous and really unjustifiable. I could understand an increase in line with inflation and even a little more to account for upgrades and new features. But a 60% increase? Unfortunately, this will cause me to migrate to a different platform, perhaps MS OneNote that is free with my O365 subscription. It won't be as good or as elegant but it will give me the essentials of what I need. If EN lowers their fees then I may come back but when this subscription ends, so too does my long association with EN. Too bad, but this is a very bad management decision on the part of the owners of EN-- they will lose faithful customers like me.
  2. Please add the ability to quickly colorize a note in the view modes. This would allow a quick way to prioritize notes when doing a quick scan. For example, I use Evernote to gather news articles and research articles which I then use to write an academic paper. I use notebooks and tags to sort things into general categories but even then I find I still need another level of prioritization to quickly flag articles I want to use. For example, in snippet view, I suggest right clicking on a note brings up an option to add a color to the note, for example red. I can quickly go through all my notes and colorize the most relevant articles I wish to use in my paper with red. Then colorize those with yellow as second priority, and so on. This adds a different level of functionality than just using tags because colored notes add a visual cue that makes it much easier to highlight notes that I want to quickly focus on.
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