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Everything posted by ole77

  1. I checked and did not have the microsoft store version installed. I am using one a got from the EN site directly. The notes resize to 1/3 of the screen consistently now and I am honestly not sure what changed to allow it to function this way. As I say, I worked with the issue as it was for months before taking the time to come to a forum with it and had distinguished between a note and the main window. Thanks for the responses, 1/3 wide is better than it was. Would still love it to go much narrower but this is not the issue I initially came with, and it is resolved. Possibly due to an update I think.
  2. Ok, thanks for those details, I can easily follow up on that and I will make sure I have the one right from Evernote. Maybe it would explain a few strange behaviours I've been having!
  3. Hi, Thank you for the responsiveness. I gather from the "maybe if/it would" uses that this is frustrating to help people that don't provide the information needed right out of the gate. I thought I did, and it is actually not that easy to come and describe the problem, so I appreciate that there have been some really helpful suggestions, despite the frustrations that a newbie asking questions may cause. I can confirm that notes were not going to 1/3, and they are now. My issue was that they were not, and I had this issue for months and read up on it everywhere I could before posting. I am grateful I have a better workflow, I appreciate the helpful responses, and I will work with it as is for now and and return if the issue returns. FWIW I am using Evernote 10.70.2 is currently the newest version available. I think it updated recently for me. - Erica
  4. For me it does not go narrower. I would like it to. I'm not sure how to explain that any better?
  5. The window is much too wide when snapped in. Everything else resizes to less than 1/3 the screen, EN needs a half a screen, it is really tedious and inconvenient as it messes up most of my workflows. I read one forum post that said note windows go smaller. They do not.
  6. Did you sort this out? It just started happening to me. Named a notebook, it added numbers in a bracket. Deleted, tried again, same thing. UPDATE: I think it thinks there is another notebook of the same name. I searched, there isn't. But when I named it with more words it stopped adding a number.
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