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Posts posted by TJude


    My philosophy is somewhat different: use notebooks only where you must, and use tags for everything else.



    Tags are indeed useful.  That notwithstanding, they are not a hierarchical structure.  They are...tags!  You're not being organized using tags - you're tagging.  That's OK if your data search needs are significantly random and your frequency of access is small.


    Consider this.  You use evernote to keep records of product builds.  You have software products and hardware products.  Ignoring the former, you have seven families of hardware products.  Any family has 2-4 SKU's, and each SKU has 30-200 components, assembly instructions and reams of test data.  How are you going to organize efficiently with tags?


    Tags are very useful for those component that span SKUs, but are you really going to tag each test report as "Product" and "Hardware" and "Family 4" and "SKU 3" and "FadeMarginReport27"?  Let's be real!  Then lets say you want to find those reports whose outlier case was +32dBm.  This is a real world use for evernote and it simply can't be properly done with tags!  So for those who say 'antiquated' your agenda (or simple use case) is showing.


    As you can see, I have only great respect for the inclusion of tags.  And I believe that it's so obvious that a hierarchical structure is better, that the only conclusion left is the data structure decision is made and there is no turning back.

  2. Using Evernote as it is, or finding another piece of software is needlessly restrictive list of the choices available.

    Lobbying Evernote to support a feature you want is a perfectly legitimate choice. Nested Notebooks is an example of just such a feature, and lobbying for it's inclusion is perfectly reasonable.

    Unfortunately, the choice of nested structures versus tags is a matter of the original Data Structure decision and is probably fundamental.  To Google, it makes sense since most of the data they address is unstructured and is difficult to keep a directory in a tabular format.  In Evernote, it was just a bad choice and is probably irreparable without a complete rewrite, or a performance-diminishing overlay structure.


    Evernote is still very useful, but it really is a shame that it can't be so much more so.  Use tags where you can.  I know it's twice the work, but it will help you index important data.

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