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About tejenkins

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  1. Well this really stinks. (And I realize that when I dump, I'm starting over again.) And in the past it wasn't an issue. Unfortunately, I can't turn off the lock screen unless I remove some of my apps that connect to my work environment. Overall, I've grown increasingly frustrated with EN. The iPad app crashes at least 1/3 of the time I use it. I really don't need any more features. I just crave stability and smooth linking across environments (Remember when you could force a sync and see the status? Ah, the glory days)
  2. Looks like it isn't. Previously, I hadn't had this problem. I'm not sure when it started. It just makes it harder to work as I can't access some of my notes when not connected to the internet and even if connected, at times the response time for pulling back a note is poor.
  3. I understand that I can select which notes/notebooks can be made available offline. My point is that I've selected a specific notebook I'd like to have available offline and not all of the notes have been made available off line. I can see notes from today that are both available and not available. Same with notes from last week. Last month. Last year. 2021. 100s of them in a notebook with about 2,500 notes. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app from my iPad. I've "reindicated" to Evernote to make the notebook available offline. I have the same result (although I don't know if it is the exact same notes that aren't being made available.
  4. What I'm really asking is how can I get ALL of my notes in a specific notebook to be available offline (on my iPad) instead of just some. I have the notebook marked to be available offline and many, many notes have become available offline. But, there are still hundreds (some old/some newer) that have the arrow with the green circle. I've tried removing the app from my iPad and reinstalling, but I have the same issue.
  5. I have 100s of notes from the past several years that are still "in line." How can I get them to d/l? (Overall, it seems that performance on my iPad has come to a very slow, very unreliable, very unstable experience)
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