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Posts posted by jampff

  1. Just curious... when creating a link to a note, are there any differences between the "web link" and the "app link"? Are there different intended use cases for each? This is new in the "new" Evernote and I've been meaning to ask for some time. It appears that the desktop app gives me a choice between the two, but on my android app, I can only copy a web link (I think).

    It appears that the app link points to a location on my drive (?) while the web link points to the note in the Evernote cloud. I would imagine that most people would prefer the latter. EXCEPT... that on the Legacy Evernote one thing I used to do a lot was export a set of notes as one huge HTML document. LOVED this feature, highly useful for working and sharing offline. Because I linked notes to each other frequently, in the exported HTML document, all those note links would help me navigate it... basically those note links would link to other parts of the same HTML page, instead of opening up the note at evernote.com. I really need this because it makes working offline (necessary sometimes) possible.

    I used to use my android app the most, and the links it generated were perfect. Now it appears that the android app only generates web links to notes, so I've stopped using it for linking. I work much slower because I have to be in front of my Windows machine to go through and create note links.

    Please, some clarity: am I correct in understanding how these links work? If I copy a web link, will it only open online? Am I correct that note links created in Android are only web links? I'm not even sure if the ability to export HTML is back yet, but if/ when it returns, what kind of link should I use if I want to jump around the HTML document instead of open the note in the cloud?


  2. Regarding the original topic of this thread: yes, Evernote and Nebo DEFINITELY need to talk to each other!

    I have difficulty understanding why a note taking app (Evernote, that I value and pay for)  completely avoids developing handwriting functions. To me, it's integral. 

    Another thing I don't understand: Evernote already recognizes handwriting!! If I can upload a picture that includes handwriting,  and Evernote makes it searchable, that means... Evernote recognizes it as text, right? So, it's not as if they must embark on a very difficult development journey to "figure out" how to recognize handwriting as text. The app already does it. Isn't it a simple step from there to actually render the handwriting as text, just like Nebo does? 

    I understand everyone wants to avoid feature creep, and wheel reinvention. The obvious solution is: integration. Find another service that already does what you want your app to do, and make them play nicely together.

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  3. I also really need recurring reminders. I was going to ask for the ability to set reminders on the Windows interface, but I see that that feature will be released soon. Thanks:-)


    Also, one minor irritant with the reminders is that if I have several of them waiting for my attention in my notification shade (Android - Jellybean), and I must turn the phone off and then on again, the reminders do not reappear there. The other reminder app I was using before always made sure that if I rebooted the phone while there were still reminders unaddressed, that they would ding at me again and patiently wait their turn in the notifications as soon as the phone turned back on. As it is now with Evernote, if I must reboot, those reminders have the potential to be forgotten and buried.


    But overall... THANK THANKS THANKS for a wonderful product! Evernote makes my life so much more productive.

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