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Posts posted by hudson2001

  1. 9 hours ago, agsteele said:

    Note: If you get your Evernote app from MacOS or Microsoft Stores the option to relocate your data isn't available.

    Ahhhh, this is it. I was wondering why the version said win-winstore-public. DOH! Thank you! I am getting ready to get a new computer so when I do, I will download the regular version.

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  2. I just lost all mine as well! WTH? I had just scanned some of my kids' thank you notes for the last day of school wanting to show them to grandparents...so I scanned them as usual and saw they were in the list. I opened the app an hour later to scan some other things, I scanned them just fine, and then wanted to send ALL of them to my camera roll. I saw that it said "all selected" and chose save to camera roll. But it just saved one of them! And then the rest disappeared!


    This is NOT acceptable.


    I realize losing thank you notes isn't the end of the world, but it should NOT have happened.


    If this is the behavior, I'll no longer be using Scannable.

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