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Marc Teutelink

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  1. I understand... But I would like to see the Evernote calendar and tasks in fantastical.
  2. What about the other way around. Connecting Evernote calendar and tasks in Fantastical. For example by exposing Evernote calendar through iCal.
  3. I have indeed used reminders and that works. However I would like to see badge counts (visual indicators of how many tasks are due today) per note, notebook and stack. I am using stack as my main area of focus/responsibility.
  4. I am looking for notifications (especially badges) of open tasks on the 'Things to Do' Note, Stacks, Notebooks and Notes (outside the Tasks view).
  5. I am currently using fantastical with the Todoist integration. This shows all tasks that are due a specific day in the day within the calendar.
  6. I am grouping my notes (in Evernote) by areas of responsibility using Stacks. Currently tasks as grouped by Note. It would be good to group (and collapse) tasks by Stack, Notebook and Note.
  7. This is exactly what I missed and tried to accomplish by using pleexy and Todoist. I am very very happy with this feature in combination with linking notes to calendar items. A couple of suggestions: I am using stacks to specify the 'area of responsibility'. I need a way to group tasks based on stacks, then on notebook and then on notes. How about notifications of tasks and especially badges on tasks, and stacks/notebooks/notes with tasks. I would like to see tasks of a specific date within the calendar apps (I use fantastical). I would like to have widgets within Evernote and in iOS. Recurring tasks. Attach labels to tasks. Thanks in advance, Marc Teutelink
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