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Posts posted by chilipaws

  1. Hey Thor, thank you for describing the almost identical experience I've had with Evernote since getting on board back in 2009. You have articulated perfectly my sentiment.

    I have a similar work situation as you, solo proprietor, no time for deep learning curve, it's just me. When I get ambitious and decide I want to learn to use some of the features of EN it takes a good full morning or afternoon going down that rabbit hole.  As a result I have a lot of half baked notebooks and notes that were interrupted because I had a deadline, phone call, email come in and had to abandon the goal of "getting this organized".

    So just echoing your experience. I'll keep EN for all the history of my life that it holds, but just wish it wasn't so clunky and that it had a better support option than the community forum which I've turned to many times and have had to scroll and scroll for the specifics of the issue, question or topic I'm seeking help with. Nine times out of ten I leave the search and yet another incomplete loop is left open. It's an energy leak.

    Yes, the new look is a big improvement, but without spending a couple of hours on youtube looking at other people's explanation of EN in order to know how to benefit from these "features"  all the pretty layouts and widgets (which there is now an uncharge for) don't hold much value for me. 

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