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Posts posted by enki

  1. 1 hour ago, DTLow said:

    Is there access to data without internet (offline access), or if the Notion site is down?
    Is there a Plan B for access if Notion gets borked?

    Very interesting questions. Evernote do this very well. 

    Last time when I gave a try to Notion it was months ago. Notion Is not good for me becouse don't have a "document camera", but only with iphone camera. This add a lot of workaround to my workflow and I make a intensive use of document camera. Evernote have the best document camera I ever used on mobile device. 

    I think that Notion is overstimated. 


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  2. I think I've tried it all, but, becouse of my asset, is hard to leave Evernote. I have one windows pc and two ios device.

    • I need to have all notes for offline acces
    • I need to take and edit notes in offline mode
    • Add images to notes
    • Add document images to notes
    • add tags for tag organisation
    • I need to search inside pdf
    • adnotate pdf or photos
    • I need a universal app

    For thats reasons I can't migrate feom Evernote


  3. 27 minutes ago, ObviousBob said:

    Depends on what you mean by "close". I agree Bear is focused on the editor, which Evernote certainly isn't. But Bear works just fine for filing features - you can drag a .pdf file or text note or any other document in or out of a Bear note, just like with Evernote. Everything is stored in a database, just like Evernote. So for many people, Bear can be a direct replacement for Evernote, only with a good text editor. Its not that Bear is EXACTLY like Evernote, it doesn't have every Evernote feature (nor is the reverse true), but for many users it will work just fine in place of Evernote.

    I agree. For my workflow, Bear lack of document camera, draw on photos and export notes to reverse to a better Evernote... just in case. I'm very close to swich to  Bear. 


  4. Hi, at this moment there are not other apps like Evernote. Bear is very closed to Evernote, but not for windows. Also apple note, but without tags and export possibilty.

    There are years since I try to go away from Evernote becouse I think is too arogance with costumers. Evernote don't hear the voice of costumers!!! Evernote is the best example of how a costumers service don't must be .

    Evernote don't care about his costumers.

    I'm still waiting for Evernote alternative: Trello, notion, simply notes ecc. are not Evernote's alternative. Good apps , but there have not the Evernote features: tags, crossplatform, insert image, documents, files, record voice, good search engine.

    I don't like the last Evernote's  joke: Better Evernote!!!! This is the arrogance of evernote. Nobody ask for restiling apps icon or colors, but For Evernote staff this is a priority. All the bugs, issues of Evernote app are not a priority. 

    The apps icon design is the priority. 

    Thank you evernote's staff!

    Sorry for my bad english.


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