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Everything posted by BriceEvernote

  1. This is the exact use case that now has been broken for me, and hence the original question of how to sync faster. I use Getting Things Done and have a single Capture note for thoughts. If I’m on my laptop, I capture thoughts in that GTD note in the Mac client. If I’m out and about, I capture thoughts in that same GTD note in the iOS client. This used to work fine when it was easy to just click “Sync” every time. But now with the new Mac version there is no sync button at all. On iOS you have to go through the multi step process of hamburger menu > Notes > Swipe down. So conflicts get generated, notes end up in “View only state”, things get lost. It’s infuriating. I don’t understand why they got rid of manual sync functionality for the people who wanted it. As I said, I’ve been a paid EN user for 10 years, but the world has changed. The user expectation for note taking now in 2021, whether it’s Google docs, Notion, or quip, is that syncing is instant. If EN can’t deliver instant because of their infrastructure, fine, but then why not give control to us to click sync? Why actively take it away? It sounds like the answer to my question is: there are workaround to sync like force quit and open, but generally, no, there is no way to sync faster.
  2. I want to post a new answers/solutions question, but when I go to make a new post, it asks me to select a topic. All the answers/solutions forums and greyed out and cannot be selected, whereas other forums can be selected. What is going on here?
  3. Exactly the same as me. I go back and forth between phone and mac every few minutes and conflicts are created constantly if I don't force a sync (quit and reopen on Mac, scroll to notes and pull down on iOS - huge pain). PinkElephant, how quickly are you going back and forth between Mac and iOS? Can you describe your behavior/setup in more detail?
  4. Thank you so much! So it sounds like this is not the normal experience for everyone else?
  5. Hi, I have been a 10 year power user paid subscriber but the new version of Evernote is killing me. Syncing has been terrible. I use Evernote on my iPhone, native Mac App, and the Web App, going back and forth, and they are always getting out of sync. Almost once a day a conflict note is generated. When I open one of the apps, I have to wait several minutes or fiddle around before it will sync. It's extremely frustrating and I lose an enormous amount of work daily because of it. This help video demonstrates that updates are sync'd instantly when you make them. This is absolutely NOT my experience. About 15 minutes ago I made a change to a note on the Mac App. I have the same note open in Evernote Web and am still waiting for it to update. Nothing. (Update: 20 minutes later the web app said "There's been an error syncing your note. Please reload." All changes on the web version were blown away. This is awful.) For some reason the "sync now" functionality was removed from Mac, and very hidden on the iOS app. I'm having to resort to using Notion for some of my notes, which I really don't want to do, but there's just no way around it. On Notion the second I open any of my notes, it updates to the latest version instantly. I need Evernote to go back to doing this like it used to before the new version update. I am on all the latest versions, have fast internet (100 Mbps+), etc Is there any way to get syncing to happen faster?
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