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Everything posted by winegirlnc

  1. Thanks! This is the first good explanation I've seen. Evernote needs to put you in charge of customer communications.
  2. Thanks, but I never got a notification of an upgrade, and why do they keep telling me It's my last chance to get 40% off?
  3. I am a long-time Evernote user and have had a Premium account for several years. Now they're telling me via pop-ups and daily emails that it's my "last chance" to sign up for a "Personal" account (which sounds exactly like what I already have) at a 40% discount. I just renewed my Premium account in August. Why on earth would I pay again a month later? There's been no email notifying me of any changes to my account, no explanations. Just non-stop ads. And I can't figure out how to contact them directly to ask about this. If you go through the process to open a support ticket, there's no category that aligns with plain old billing questions (it just tells me to go to PayPal 🙄). Anyone else having this issue?
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