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Everything posted by prestigiousbat

  1. Thank you Jon/t -- very helpful. This makes complete sense now.
  2. Then please explain why I can use other calendar apps to manage my work Outlook calendar without requiring approval and without issue.
  3. What I mean is other calendar apps (I use a Mac) - such as macOS and iOS' native Calendar, or Fantastical - can connect to my work MS Exchange (Outlook) Calendar and read and create events without needing to ask for permission. I use those apps to manage my calendar events without problems. How are Evernote's calendar privileges different?
  4. Why does connecting Evernote to my Outlook / MS 365 calendar (for work) require approval from my employer? My employer of course wouldn't approve this. Other calendar apps can connect to calendars including MS 365 without requiring approval -- and even create events for those calendars. Sounds like Evernote is asking for more permissions than required on the surface.
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