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About Pinetree410

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  1. The bane of my existence is my thinning hair. I am currently pulling out what hair I have left just to indicate how distraught I am(!) First, I am absolutely a computer idiot. I'm reading these threads looking for help and I don't understand practically any of it. I don't know what a plug-in is, or what the word "syntax" means. Ok? Please be patient with me. I have used the paid version of Evernote for many years. I have over 40,000 notes. 1. How do I search a particular notebook for a particular note? 2. How do I search all of my notebooks for a particular note, if I can't remember exactly which notebook my note is in? 3. I used to use quotes to find exact matches to narrow down my results. For instance, pressed bouquet would give me all of the notes that contained those individual words, but if I did "pressed bouquet" it would narrow down the results of notes that only had those two words in sequence. Evernote made me upgrade to Windows 10, and this is when all of my problems started. (My son did all of that for me btw). In doing so, I completely lost 6-8 weeks of work because of some "local" thing, which I do not understand. I tried looking at Obsidian but the tag thing is of UTMOST importance to me in order to find things amongst my 40,000+ notes. I couldn't figure out the tagging system, so I am back to struggling with Evernote. If anyone can provide assistance I can leave my hair alone, and I would be so, so very grateful. Thank you, kindly.
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