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Everything posted by TheWhopper

  1. Doesn't appear Chrome saves the login, or maybe it did but I cleared the cache not too long ago. I still have an old Macbook with the same company. Going to see if the IT helpdesk can help me log into that old Macbook without connecting to the internet. (I forgot the password after 4 years) If I can get just the Username, I should be able to figure out the password to my Evernote account. I'll post my results.
  2. I've been using EverNote almost every day for 14 years. Everything was fine until today, not sure why I was logged out with the username fields cleared. I don't remember the Email address I used or Username because it's been so many long. Yes, I know I should have kept track of the email and the username I used. The email address is likely listed in my Evernote, which I can no longer log into. Can someone help please?
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