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About lexiquinn0

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  1. I hope someone from Evernote sees this and takes note because this is causing me to really reconsider my subscription especially with the price hike. Worse product + price increase means I am currently seeking out alternatives. Let me preface: I was a HUGE Evernote fan. I basically replaced all of my old Pages docs with this around 10 years ago and have been exclusive to the app ever since, I loved the layout and the convenience and the cloud-based service... but now this update has messed up the fonts and layout, which I spent hours and hours editing, photos are not showing up randomly (coming up as 'untitled attachment') and the ones that do are all messed up, formats are wonky and it overall just looks bad. And now I can only open 20 notes at a time when I am used to having more than that open (it's a problem I know, but it's just how I work - and I liked that Evernote let me do that!). What exactly am I paying for here, if not an inferior product than I'm used to? This makes me so sad. I get that they may be trying to copy Notion with some of the editing options... but I got Evernote because it was Evernote! Now I feel just so bummed out from this. I wish there was a way I could get the old version back.
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