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Everything posted by Pete2023

  1. Anyway to confirm if the exported document is corrupted ? I managed to download the "untitled attachment" file onto my desktop but still unable to open it, does it mean the file is corrupted ?
  2. Hi, Recently discovered I have a few PDFs uploaded on EN that are showing as "untitled attachment" and it wouldn't allow me to either open or download these PDFs. Was wondering if anyone has similar experience or solution ? Also tried to export the whole note as suggested by someone else but it didn't work. Was trying to contact EN support but all their options are for account-related questions, so it points me back to posting my issue here..
  3. Thanks - tried that and it didn't resolve the issue. Will try and contact customer service at this point.
  4. Trying to contact Evernote customer service for support, but it seems so difficult to find the proper link to either send them an enquiry or find their contact info ... Starting to feel that I need to find an alternative going forward..
  5. Hi Thanks - but please provide guidance as to how to export the file ? I cannot even drag it on to my desktop nor download.
  6. Yes - as of today the "untitled attachment" PDFs are still unable to be downloaded, nor view in either my computer or smartphone EN app. Not sure what caused this and if there is any way to retrieve my document...
  7. Nope - no other irregularity I can see. Majority of the much older uploads don't have any "untitled attachment" error, only 3 of the more recent uploads that are currently having this issue. I've also tried and quit and reopen Evernote on my computer and iPhone to see, both device on multiple occasions are preventing me from opening/download the error PDFs.
  8. Hi - thanks for the response. The uploads were done about a month ago now, it's just strange that it was downloadable or viewable a few weeks back, but now it's giving this error of "untitled attachment"... Is this normal ?
  9. Hi all, As the topic states - currently experiencing some trouble to open some PDFs recently uploaded and it keeps giving the message the files are "untitled attachment". Also tried to save it to desktop but wouldn't even allow me to save anything ... Was wondering if there's a solution ? Thanks.
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